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Headword matches for 相卽:
ALSO IN: 三諦相卽   三谛相卽   卽相卽心   带相卽空   带相卽道   当相卽空   当相卽道   當相卽空   當相卽道   相卽圆融   相卽圓融   相卽无碍   相卽無礙   相卽相入   諸法相卽自在門   诸法相卽自在门  

Entry body matches for 相卽 (相卽無相)

[...] of mutual identity 相卽 between things. Although [...]:
View Full Entry 別理隨緣
[...] mutually identical 相卽. For the scholars of [...]:
View Full Entry 性相二宗十異
[...] mutual identity 相卽 of goodness 善 and badness [...]:
View Full Entry 當體全是
[...] mutual containment 相卽, or mutual interpenetration 圓融 and nonobstruction 無礙 among phenomena. Commonly seen in the phrase 相卽相入 (Skt. anyonya-samavasaraṇa [...]:
View Full Entry 相入
[...] identity 相卽 and sameness 平等性 that extends [...]:
View Full Entry 顯理
[...] of characteristics 相卽無相being without a nature [...]:
View Full Entry 十種廣大法
[...] in mutual identity 相卽無礙 no obstruction in [...]:
View Full Entry 十無礙
[...] interpenetrate See 相卽無礙 [...]:
View Full Entry 相卽圓融
[...] an abbreviation of 相卽相入 [...]:
View Full Entry 卽入