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Headword matches for 相大:
ALSO IN: 方等无相大云经   方等無相大雲經   无相大乘   无相大帅   无相大帅行状   无相大师   无相大师行状   無相大乘   無相大師   無相大師行狀   至相大帅   至相大师   至相大師  

Entry body matches for 相大

[...] is the greatness of attributes 相大, which refers to the myriad [...] says: 云何爲三一者體大謂一切法眞如平等不增減故 二者相大謂如來藏具足無量性功德故 [...]:
View Full Entry 三大
[...] 體大, attributes 相大 , and function 用大. The four [...]:
View Full Entry 大
[...] in aspects 相大, and greatness in function 用大 [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘起信論