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Headword matches for 眞言宗:
ALSO IN: 古义眞言宗   古義眞言宗   新义眞言宗   新義眞言宗   眞言宗教时义   眞言宗教時義  

Entry body matches for 眞言宗 (眞言宗全書)

[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 doctrine of ten consciousnesses [...]:
View Full Entry 一一心識
[...] Shingon School 眞言宗 as a miscellaneous esoteric [...]:
View Full Entry 一字佛頂輪王經
[...], a Shingon school 眞言宗 temple in Kyōto. Originally [...]:
View Full Entry 三寶院
[...] Esoteric school 眞言宗. The 三十七尊 of the 金剛界, the [...]:
View Full Entry 三摩耶會
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗. The collection consists [...]:
View Full Entry 九卷章
[...] The Shingon school 眞言宗 divides the ten great [...]:
View Full Entry 五悔
[...] 天台宗 and Shingon 眞言宗, etc. are inferior to those [...]:
View Full Entry 五意
[...] Esoteric school 眞言宗. Of the six elements 六大 [...]:
View Full Entry 五智
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗, these five types of [...]:
View Full Entry 五種三昧耶
[...] (i.e. Shingon 眞言宗), these comprise 1) Mahāvairocana [...]:
View Full Entry 五部祕經
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 who established Gokokuji [...]:
View Full Entry 亮賢
[...] Ninnaji An Omuro school Shingon 眞言宗 temple in Kyoto. As a [...] branch 御室派 of the Shingon School 眞言宗. 新編諸宗教藏總錄 T [...]:
View Full Entry 仁和寺
[...] of Shingon 眞言宗, noted for their practices mantra [...]:
View Full Entry 修驗道
[...] True Word school 眞言宗 for the conferral of the [...]:
View Full Entry 傳法灌頂
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. Also called Ryōbu shugō [...]:
View Full Entry 兩部神道
[...] 天台宗, and Shingon 眞言宗. [...]:
View Full Entry 八宗
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗 of esoteric Buddhism 東密 [...]:
View Full Entry 六大法身
[...] 天台宗 and Shingon 眞言宗. Chan list of six schools [...]:
View Full Entry 六宗
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. They are, in historical [...]:
View Full Entry 出生無邊門陀羅尼經
[...]. The True Word 眞言宗 or Esoteric school 密教, CE 716.. In Japan, they were the: Kegon school 華嚴宗 Hossō school 法相宗 Vinaya school 律宗 Tendai school 天台宗 Shingon school 眞言宗 (also categorized as Mikkyō [...]:
View Full Entry 十三宗
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗, the first being attributed [...]:
View Full Entry 十卷章
[...] of Yogâcāra 唯識宗); Dhāraṇī school 眞言宗 (Esoteric school 密宗); [These [...] Tendai 天台宗, Kegon 華嚴宗, Shingon 眞言宗, (Hīnayāna) Ritsu 小乘律宗 , and [...]:
View Full Entry 十宗
[...] taught in Shingon 眞言宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 印明
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. The Kogi, or old doctrine school was formulated in contrast to the new developments in the Shingi, or new doctrine school 新義眞言宗 articulated by Kakuban [...]:
View Full Entry 古義眞言宗
[...] 天台宗, Zhenyan 眞言宗 and Chan 禪宗. Or, Faxiang 法相宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 四家大乘
[...]) 天台宗 Tiantai; (3) 眞言宗 Zhenyan, or esoteric [...]:
View Full Entry 四箇大乘
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 but it took on its current [...]:
View Full Entry 圓福寺
[...] a Shingon school 眞言宗 temple and was converted [...]:
View Full Entry 圓通寺
[...] 行譽, a Shingon 眞言宗 monk of Kenchōji 勸勝寺. It [...]:
View Full Entry 壒囊鈔
[...] , 三論宗, 華嚴宗, 天台宗, 眞言宗 , [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘宗
[...] Daidenbōin A Shingon school 眞言宗 temple on Mt. Negoro 根來山 in [...] of the Shingi-Shingon school 新羲眞言宗 until it was destroyed in [...]:
View Full Entry 大傳法院
[...] Tendai 天台宗 and 眞言宗 on Mt. Hiei 比叡山. He became [...]:
View Full Entry 大慧
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. Traditionally, the [...]:
View Full Entry 大日寺
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗, this sutra is chanted [...]:
View Full Entry 大樂金剛不空眞實三摩耶經
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗, these difficulties are [...]:
View Full Entry 大毘盧遮那成佛經疏
[...] Esoteric Buddhism 眞言宗, Yixingʼs 一行 Commentary [...]:
View Full Entry 大疏
[...] a Shingon school 眞言宗 temple by Ryūson 龍尊 (d [...]:
View Full Entry 太平寺
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 famous for commentary [...]:
View Full Entry 契沖
[...] esoteric Buddhism 眞言宗 and the Nichiren school [...]:
View Full Entry 妙見菩薩
[...] Myōryū Shingon 眞言宗 monk. The posthumous name [...]:
View Full Entry 妙龍
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗. In this stage non-Buddhists [...]:
View Full Entry 嬰童無畏心
[...] castle. A Shingon 眞言宗 temple located in Sagami [...]:
View Full Entry 安養院
[...] (794–1185) Shingon 眞言宗 monk known as one of [...]:
View Full Entry 宗叡
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗. Along with his contemporary [...]:
View Full Entry 宥快
[...] 天台宗 and Shingon 眞言宗 practices [...]:
View Full Entry 密學
[...] True Word school 眞言宗, Adamantine Peak school [...]:
View Full Entry 密宗
[...] into Shingon 眞言宗 and Tendai 天台宗. For a study [...]:
View Full Entry 密教
[...] Japanese Shingon 眞言宗 monk, the son of Imperial [...]:
View Full Entry 寛朝
[...] 平安 period Shingon 眞言宗 monk and son of Minamoto [...]:
View Full Entry 實運
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 寬遍
[...] the modern Shingon 眞言宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 寶篋印陀羅尼
[...] Shingon Buddhism 眞言宗 in Japan. The Ono school [...]:
View Full Entry 小野流
[...] 天台宗, and Shingon 眞言宗 became [...]:
View Full Entry 平安時代
[...], or Jin-eon jong 眞言宗. When Taejo was establishing [...]:
View Full Entry 廣學
[...] of the Shingon 眞言宗 or Tendai [...]:
View Full Entry 御持僧
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗 called the Shingonshū miketsumon 眞言宗未決文. [...]:
View Full Entry 德一
[...] the Shingon School 眞言宗 and the sixth patriarch [...]:
View Full Entry 性信
[...] 平安 period Shingon 眞言宗 monk, originally from [...]:
View Full Entry 惠運
[...]–1804). Shingon 眞言宗 monk, originally from Takamatsu [...]:
View Full Entry 慈雲
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. (Skt. sarva-cetasā [...]:
View Full Entry 攝一切心
[...] divisions of the Shingon School 眞言宗 established on Mt. Negoro [...] Branch 智山派 led by Genyū 玄宥. See 古義眞言宗. [...]:
View Full Entry 新義眞言宗
[...]. At Shingon 眞言宗 temples in Japan, the Star [...]:
View Full Entry 星供
[...] a Shingon school 眞言宗 temple called Sōkeiin [...]:
View Full Entry 曹源寺
[...] rituals in Shingon 眞言宗 Buddhism and was performed [...]:
View Full Entry 曼荼羅供
[...] The Shingon school 眞言宗 later started its own [...]:
View Full Entry 最勝講
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 temple Saishōji 西勝寺 [...]:
View Full Entry 最勝院
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗, which represents one [...]:
View Full Entry 東密
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. Historically, the monastic [...]:
View Full Entry 東寺
[...] of the Shingon-shū 眞言宗 and is also called Umemuro [...]:
View Full Entry 榮山寺
[...] 天台宗 and Shingon 眞言宗 esoteric 密教 protector monks [...]:
View Full Entry 武家護持僧
[...] 天台宗 and Shingon 眞言宗, by advocating that anyone [...]:
View Full Entry 法然
[...] 天台宗, and Shingon 眞言宗, but also the new popular [...]:
View Full Entry 法相宗
[...] Japanese Shingon 眞言宗 Buddhism with the garbhôdbhava [...]:
View Full Entry 泰山府君
[...] a Shingon school 眞言宗 temple named Gokurakuji [...]:
View Full Entry 淨妙寺
[...] either the Shingon 眞言宗 or the Tendai school [...]:
View Full Entry 淸見寺
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 temple, and a subsidiary [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽院
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. However, this tradition [...]:
View Full Entry 玄旨歸命壇
[...]. They are Shingon 眞言宗 monks who take Shōbō [...]:
View Full Entry 當山
[...], Ekishin A Shingon 眞言宗 monk of the early Heian [...]:
View Full Entry 益信
[...] True Word school 眞言宗. [...]:
View Full Entry 相應宗
[...] 812–891) A Shingon 眞言宗 monk who was born into [...]:
View Full Entry 眞然
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 located in Ōsu 大須, Naka [...]:
View Full Entry 眞福寺
[...] Shinshō A Shingon 眞言宗 monk of the early Heian [...]:
View Full Entry 眞紹
[...] True Word school 眞言宗 of [...]:
View Full Entry 眞言
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 眞言門
[...] especially in 眞言宗 Shingon, with Vairocana 大日如來 [...]:
View Full Entry 祕宗
[...] own Shingon school 眞言宗). This distinction between [...]:
View Full Entry 祕密曼荼羅十住心論
[...] True Word school 眞言宗. Abbreviation of 祕密法. [...]:
View Full Entry 祕法
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗. Both single and two fascicle [...]:
View Full Entry 祕藏記
[...] sect Shingon-shū 眞言宗 located in the hills of [...]:
View Full Entry 神護寺
[...] True Word school 眞言宗. Then, in the Eiroku 永祿 [...]:
View Full Entry 秋葉寺
[...] the founder of Shingon Buddhism 眞言宗 in Japan. In 791 he entered [...] terms of schools 宗, where Shingon 眞言宗 (with 宗 omitted) takes last [...] 密藏 and like terms; Shingon shū 眞言宗 is used rarely (only four [...]:
View Full Entry 空海
[...] school of Shingon 眞言宗 derivation, adjudged [...]:
View Full Entry 立川流
[...] 天台宗, Shingon 眞言宗, Jōdo 淨土宗, Zen 禪宗, Shin 眞宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 管長
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 and abbot of Mandaraji [...]:
View Full Entry 範俊
[...] the Shingon School 眞言宗 in Osaka, founded by [...]:
View Full Entry 總持寺
[...] 小野流 of Shingon 眞言宗, also referred to as the [...]:
View Full Entry 義範
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 used for the coronation [...]:
View Full Entry 聖一派
[...]) A Shingon school 眞言宗 monk from the early Heian [...]:
View Full Entry 聖寶
[...] True Word school 眞言宗 in 1678. Its central object [...]:
View Full Entry 聖福寺
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗, is supposed to have transmitted [...]:
View Full Entry 聲明
[...] of Shingon 眞言宗, as well as in the Jōdo Shinshū [...]:
View Full Entry 能化
[...] Shingon-shu 眞言宗, located in Kyoto, also known [...]:
View Full Entry 西明寺
[...] a Shingon school 眞言宗 temple by the name 見性庵 [...]:
View Full Entry 見性寺
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗, of which Kakuzen belonged [...]:
View Full Entry 覺禪鈔
[...]: A Shingon-sect 眞言宗 temple in the mountains [...]:
View Full Entry 觀心寺
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. Kanchō was born into [...]:
View Full Entry 觀朝
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗. Kangen (853–925) was [...]:
View Full Entry 觀賢
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗, posthumously titled [...]:
View Full Entry 諦忍
[...] A Shingon school 眞言宗 temple in central Tokyo [...]:
View Full Entry 護國寺
[...] the Shingon School 眞言宗. He was the grandson [...]:
View Full Entry 道尊
[...] 天台宗 and Shingon 眞言宗. Later he had practiced [...]:
View Full Entry 道顯
[...] Japanese Shingon 眞言宗 initiation (abhiṣeka) [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛上師
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 located in Wakayama [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛峰寺
[...] True Word school 眞言宗, also known as 金剛手. 金剛手祕密王 [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛薩埵
[...] True Word school 眞言宗, the other being the Dari [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛頂宗
[...] Shingon tradition 眞言宗 attributes the authorship [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗 later identified him with [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛頂經大瑜伽祕密心地法門義訣
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗 later identified him with [...]:
View Full Entry 鐵塔
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗 was divided over their interpretation [...]:
View Full Entry 闡提成佛
[...] studied Shingon 眞言宗 in the school of Eison [...]:
View Full Entry 阿一
[...] a Shingon school 眞言宗 nunnery 尼寺, but in 1420 [...]:
View Full Entry 雲洞庵
[...] True Word school 眞言宗. Also written 顯家. To disclose [...]:
View Full Entry 顯宗
[...]. In the Chenyan 眞言宗 school, esoteric refers [...]:
View Full Entry 顯密
[...] True Word school 眞言宗. Cf [...]:
View Full Entry 顯教
[...] Shingon school 眞言宗. The temple is also referred [...]:
View Full Entry 飛鳥寺
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 including the Kongobuji [...]:
View Full Entry 高野山
[...] by Shingon school 眞言宗 monk Gue Hōin 弘慧法印, who [...]:
View Full Entry 龍安寺
[...] Shingon schools 眞言宗 but after difficulties faced in 1406 the temple fell into disrepair for many years. In 1460 Jikishin Zenchū 直心禪忠/全忠 (d.u.) took up the abbotship and gave it its current name. A temple of the Shingon school 眞言宗 located in Tōjōmura 東條村 [...]:
View Full Entry 龍泉寺
[...] the Shingon school 眞言宗 but after falling into [...]:
View Full Entry 龍雲寺
[...] Shingonshū zensho 眞言宗全書, vol. 37 (Wakayama, Japan [...]:
View Full Entry 賴瑜
[...] temples in Japan 眞言宗十八本山 collaborate in carrying [...]:
View Full Entry 後七日御修法
[...] jōbutsu bishō 眞言宗卽身成佛美章, etc. (Cf. Kōgyō daishi [...]:
View Full Entry 覺鑁
[...] Shingonshū kyōjigi 眞言宗教時義, but does not explain how this number is calculated. 眞言宗教時義 T 2396.75.384b11 [...]:
View Full Entry 九十五種外道
[...] medieval Japan. (眞言宗教時義 T 2396.75.374c24) In [...]:
View Full Entry 十識
[...] kyōji gi 眞言宗教時義, Bodaishin gishō 菩提心義抄, Shittanzō [...]:
View Full Entry 安然
[...] Shingonshū kyōjigi 眞言宗教時義 and Shingonshū kyōji mondō 眞言宗教時問答 [...]:
View Full Entry 教時問答
[...] shūkyō jigi 眞言宗教時義 by Annen 安然 (841–915?), [...]:
View Full Entry 無行
[...] Daigo school 眞言宗醍醐派, located in eastern Kyoto [...]:
View Full Entry 醍醐寺