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Headword match for 石頭希遷:

Entry body matches for 石頭希遷

[...] Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 (710–790) for three years [...]:
View Full Entry 丹霞天然
[...] by Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 (700–790); T 2076.51.459b7 [...]:
View Full Entry 參同契
[...] by Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 (710–790) and immediately [...]:
View Full Entry 大見禪龍
[...] with Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷, first patriarch of [...]:
View Full Entry 如愚
[...] See Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷. [...]:
View Full Entry 希遷
[...] of Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷, becoming his official [...]:
View Full Entry 惟儼
[...] of Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷, is said to have burned [...]:
View Full Entry 慧林寺
[...] with Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 and Jingshan Daoqin [...]:
View Full Entry 泯絕無寄宗
[...]) and Shítóu Xīqiān 石頭希遷 (701–791) branch, as [...]:
View Full Entry 淨修禪師
[...] of Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 (700 [...]:
View Full Entry 無際大師
[...] See Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷. [...]:
View Full Entry 石頭
[...]: Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷, 700–790). He was given [...]:
View Full Entry 石頭無際大師
[...] with Shítóu Xīqiān 石頭希遷 (701–791). Eventually [...]:
View Full Entry 祖堂集
[...] by Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 (710–790) while he was [...]:
View Full Entry 草菴歌
[...] 五燈會元 Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 (710–790) is given the [...]:
View Full Entry 萬法不侶
[...] Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 (700–790) and Mazu Daoyi [...]:
View Full Entry 隱峰