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Headword matches for 神通:
ALSO IN: 不可思議神通   不可思议神通   五神通   五种神通   五種神通   佛神通   光明神通   六神通   六种神通   六種神通   具足六神通   具足神通   十神通   十种神通   十種神通   圣神通   多摩罗跋栴檀香神通   多摩羅跋栴檀香神通   大神通   大神通力   大神通愚癡   大神通者   妙智神通行   得大神通   得神通   成就神通   无神通   无量力神通无动者   有大神通   有神通   栴檀神通   海持覺乘神通   海持覺娛樂神通   海持觉乘神通   海持觉娛乐神通   海覺神通   海觉神通   漏尽神通   漏盡神通   無神通   無量力神通無動者   神通三昧   神通乘   神通事   神通事业   神通事業   神通光   神通力   神通变化   神通变现   神通威力   神通已尽   神通已盡   神通智   神通月   神通神变   神通神變   神通第一   神通自在   神通行   神通變化   神通變現   神通遊戏   神通遊戏经   神通遊戲   神通遊戲經   神通道力   第六神通   聖神通   自在神通力   諸神通   诸神通   遊戏神通   遊戲神通   遊諸神通   遊诸神通  

Entry body matches for 神通 (神通已盡)

[...] abilities 神通.唯識同學鈔 T 2263.66.564a18 This list [...]:
View Full Entry 七異
[...] abilities 神通 that encompasses all sentient [...]:
View Full Entry 三如來藏
[...] according to 道理, 神通, and [...]:
View Full Entry 三種三世
[...] supranormal powers 神通 (or 變), or powers of [...]:
View Full Entry 三輪
[...] existences of self and others. 神通; 神足通; 神如意通 [...] supranormal cognitive abilities 六神通, minus the power of the [...]:
View Full Entry 五神通
[...] into truth; (2) 神通 of arhats through their [...]:
View Full Entry 五種通
[...] shes pa lnga) See 五神通 (Skt. abhijñā, pañcâbhijña, pañcâbhijñā) the Baozang lun teaches a distinctive set of five powers, including: the power of the Way 道通, spiritual power 神通, dependent power 依通 [...]:
View Full Entry 五通
[...] power(s) See 神通. 善見律毘婆沙 [...]:
View Full Entry 佛神通
[...] direct knowledges 神通 (abhijñā), contemplation [...]:
View Full Entry 修行道地
[...] supranormal powers 神通; (5) Kanyākubja (Kanauj [...]:
View Full Entry 八大靈塔
[...] abilities 神通, and (4) by propagating the names [...]:
View Full Entry 四種饒益
[...]: 戒 the moral law; 神通 supranormal powers; 智 [...]:
View Full Entry 四自在
[...] Supranormal Powers 神通 Maturation 成熟 Bodhi [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘莊嚴經論
[...] the Buddha . See 神通. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30.561c20 [...]:
View Full Entry 大神通
[...] powers 神通 (六神通, 三明) produced by the attainment [...]:
View Full Entry 奇蹟
[...] to 通, or 神通. Cf. 三明. (āloka-vivṛddhi) 梵網經 [...]:
View Full Entry 明智
[...], like 明智, 通, or 神通. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30.755c26 supranormal [...]:
View Full Entry 智明
[...] cognition 神通. In the case of perfuming as [...]:
View Full Entry 有勝用
[...] power. See 神通 (Skt. mahā-ṛddhika). 善見律毘婆沙 [...]:
View Full Entry 有大神通
[...] spiritual powers 神通 of the sage. One such [...]:
View Full Entry 權化
[...] cognition) 神通 Arakan (Arhat) 阿羅漢 Shunshū [...]:
View Full Entry 正法眼藏
[...] supranormal powers 神通 [...]:
View Full Entry 殊勝果
[...] Psychic power. See 神通 (Skt. anubhāva, abhijñā,prabhāva; ṛddhi; Tib. rdzu 'phrul, mthu). Same as 神通力. The power of the Buddhaʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 神力
[...] abilities, like 神通. 證道歌 [...]:
View Full Entry 神用
[...] in connotation to 神通 法華經 T 262.9.48c25. Also [...]:
View Full Entry 神變
[...] by Kumārajīva as 神通 T 262.9.2c2 (Skt. ṛddhi [...]:
View Full Entry 神足變化
[...] rendering of 神通 (Skt. abhijñā, ṛddhi ṛddhi [...]:
View Full Entry 神通力
[...] cognition See 神通, 明智, etc. (Skt. abhijña-jñāta [...]:
View Full Entry 神通智
[...] cognition 神通. Abbreviated [...]:
View Full Entry 禪定十門
[...] superknowledges (神通, abhijñā) of the Tathāgata [...]:
View Full Entry 立世阿毘曇論
[...] of cognition 神通, such as knowing the past [...]:
View Full Entry 自在
[...] power. E.g. 神通 supranormal powers, or superknowledges [...]:
View Full Entry 通
[...] cognition See 神通 (Skt. abhijñā). To recognize [...]:
View Full Entry 通明
[...] vehicle 神通乘, because of immediate attainment [...]:
View Full Entry 眞言乘
[...] of buddhas and 神通光 the supernatural light [...]:
View Full Entry 二光
[...] supranormal powers 神通力, and in 809 he manifested [...]:
View Full Entry 三尺坊權現
[...] faculties 神通力 of non-Buddhists 外道 and those [...]:
View Full Entry 他念通
[...] powers Cf. 神通力 (shén tōng lì)法華經 T 262.9.4c27 [...]:
View Full Entry 大神通力
[...] by Kumārajīva as 神通力 T [...]:
View Full Entry 威神足力
[...] by Kumārajīva as 神通力 法華經 [...]:
View Full Entry 弘意
[...] powers 神通力 to reveal the three unfavorable [...]:
View Full Entry 攝衆生戒
[...] i.e. the five sagely powers 五神通 or the six supranormal [...] supranormal cognitive abilities 六神通 of an arhat. Ubiquitous [...] body, mind, etc. Also written 神通力 (Skt. abhijñā, ṛddhi, [...]:
View Full Entry 神通
[...] [of Buddhism] 神通化物部 Supernatural ability [...]:
View Full Entry 釋氏六帖
[...] by Kumārajīva as 神通變化 [...]:
View Full Entry 神足力
[...] things are: (1) 神通奇特 power to convert all [...]:
View Full Entry 奇特
[...] for "all beings are my children"; 神通妙 his supranormal powers; 說法妙 [...] his response (to human needs); 神通妙 his supranormal powers; 說法妙 [...]:
View Full Entry 十妙
[...] abbot of Jintsuji 神通寺 (Fukui prefecture). [...]:
View Full Entry 玄趾
[...] everything. 神通已盡 translates this word in Sutta [...]:
View Full Entry 神通已盡
[...] called 神變月 and 神通月, and 三長齋月. Also interpreted [...]:
View Full Entry 神足月
[...] supranormal powers 神通知, and the knowledge [...]:
View Full Entry 八知
[...] cognition 神通神變, wherein the Tathāgata subdues [...]:
View Full Entry 三種神變
[...] supranormal powers 神通第一, Pūrṇa 富樓那 of expounding [...]:
View Full Entry 十大弟子
[...] to his desire. 神通自在 ṛddhi-vaśitā. He is lord [...]:
View Full Entry 十自在
[...]. vikurvaṇa) See 神通自在. [...]:
View Full Entry 神力自在
[...] powers 神通自在, the ten powers 十力 of bodhisattvas [...]:
View Full Entry 自在王菩薩經
[...] superknowledges 神通行 practice of bringing sentient [...]:
View Full Entry 四菩薩行
[...] by Kumārajīva as 神通遊戲三昧 [...]:
View Full Entry 神足戲樂三昧
[...].3.539–617, alt. 神通遊戲經, abbr. 大莊嚴經, trans. [...]:
View Full Entry 方廣大莊嚴經
[...] youxi jing 神通遊戲經. 12 fasc.; translated into [...]:
View Full Entry 普曜經
[...] the Lalitavistara 神通遊戲經, the Shijia rulai [...]:
View Full Entry 釋迦牟尼
[...], called in Shingon 神通金剛; this incarnation [...]:
View Full Entry 火聚佛頂
[...] forms of truth; 神通門 universal superhuman powers [...]:
View Full Entry 十普門