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Headword matches for 禪定:
ALSO IN: 世間禪定   了徹禪定   五禪定佛   修禪定   入禪定   初禪定   四禪定   大禪定   大禪定尼   大禪定門   樂禪定   深入禪定   深禪定   無念禪定   無間禪定   甚深禪定   禪定十門   禪定印   禪定境   禪定寺   禪定尼   禪定心   禪定樂   禪定波羅蜜   禪定門   第四禪定  

Entry body matches for 禪定

[...] by Kumārajīva as 禪定 T [...]:
View Full Entry 三昧之定
[...], (2) of meditation 禪定, (3) of learning 多聞 [...]:
View Full Entry 五五百年
[...]. Synonymous with 禪定. Translit. su, sū. (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 修
[...] 精進, meditation 禪定, and wisdom 智慧. 歷代三寶紀 T [...]:
View Full Entry 六度集經
[...]), zeal; meditation 禪定 (dhyāna, dhyānapāramitā [...]:
View Full Entry 六波羅蜜
[...] 觀). Also 參禪, 禪定, 三昧, etc. This is an indigenous [...]:
View Full Entry 冥想
[...] concentration See 禪定. [...]:
View Full Entry 大禪定
[...] equipoised. 禪定 meditation (in the realms of [...]:
View Full Entry 定
[...] wisdom Meditation 禪定 and wisdom 智慧, two of [...]:
View Full Entry 定慧
[...] and wisdom 禪定 and 智慧 cultivated together. [...]:
View Full Entry 定慧等學
[...] faculty of meditation Meditation 禪定 as a wholesome root 善根, [...] absorption in the four dhyānas 四禪定. The faculty of [...]:
View Full Entry 定根
[...] 三昧. See 止觀, 禪定 and 冥想 (Skt. mauleṣu...dhyāneṣu [...]:
View Full Entry 定觀
[...] eliminated. Syn. 禪定 (Skt. śānta; praśānta [...]:
View Full Entry 寂定
[...] concentration 禪定, 心亭. [...]:
View Full Entry 心城
[...] both meditation 禪定 and wisdom 智慧 based on [...]:
View Full Entry 惺寂等持門
[...] concentration 禪定. The first two of the three [...]:
View Full Entry 戒定
[...] the seven definitions of dhyāna 禪定; it is defined as 靜息動心 [...] 不分別, dhyānic concentration 禪定, and the rejection 棄, [...]:
View Full Entry 止
[...] meditation. Cf. 定, 禪定; T 262.9.45c24 (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 深定
[...] seated meditation 禪定. In 1340 at age eighteen [...]:
View Full Entry 無文元選
[...] concentration 禪定. A state of meditation wherein [...]:
View Full Entry 現法樂住
[...] with samādhi, cf. 禪定. The term also connotes [...]:
View Full Entry 禪
[...], or supramundane 禪定. 摩訶止觀 [...]:
View Full Entry 禪三昧
[...].77b27 Meditation 禪定 and wisdom 智慧 as the fifth [...]:
View Full Entry 禪念
[...]. the mystic trance 禪定 like a river extinguishes [...]:
View Full Entry 禪河
[...]. See 禪 and 禪定. 長阿含經 T [...]:
View Full Entry 禪靜
[...] equivalent to 禪定 (Skt. susamāhita, abhisaṃskāra [...]:
View Full Entry 等引
[...] Zen meditation 禪定 before leaving on a ten [...]:
View Full Entry 節菴良筠
[...] 精進 Effort 禪定 Meditative concentration 智慧 Wisdom [...]:
View Full Entry 釋氏六帖
[...] by Kumārajīva as 禪定 T [...]:
View Full Entry 閑定
[...] represent dhyāna 禪定 and wisdom 智慧. References [...]:
View Full Entry 降三世明王
[...] to meditation. See 禪定十門 [...]:
View Full Entry 十門
[...] study 教門. Syn. 禪定門 and 教外別傳. Also, meditation 定學 among the three Buddhist disciplines 三學. Ten categories of meditation. See 禪定十門. The dhyāna pāramitā 禪波羅蜜 [...]:
View Full Entry 禪門
[...] they disappear. 禪定境 The conditions of dhyāna [...]:
View Full Entry 十境
[...] abbot of Zenjōji 禪定寺 and Kūinji 空印寺, Menzan [...]:
View Full Entry 佛祖正傳大戒訣
[...] 興禪寺, Zenjōji 禪定寺, Tōfukuji 東福寺, Tōrinji 東林寺 [...]:
View Full Entry 卍山廣錄
[...] as Seonjeongsa 禪定寺 in 701 CE. Like many other [...]:
View Full Entry 新興寺
[...] such as Zenjōji 禪定寺 in Yamashiro 山城 (Kyoto [...]:
View Full Entry 曹源滴水
[...] later to Zenjōji 禪定寺 and Genkōan 源光菴. In 1700 [...]:
View Full Entry 道白
[...]–1696) at Zenjōji 禪定寺 in Yamashiro 山城. In 1686 [...]:
View Full Entry 道顯
[...] 精進方便 meditation 禪定方便 wisdom 智慧方便 great kindness [...]:
View Full Entry 十種方便
[...] and wisdom 禪定智慧樂 (Skt. *laukika-sukha). 四教儀 [...]:
View Full Entry 世間樂
[...] 色界. Similar to 禪定樂 (Skt. dhyāna-samāpatti [...]:
View Full Entry 定樂
[...] fully as 太上法皇 and 禪定法皇. This retired emperor [...]:
View Full Entry 法皇
[...] concentration See 禪定波羅蜜 [...]:
View Full Entry 定波羅蜜
[...]. Also written as 禪定波羅蜜, 禪波羅蜜, and 靜慮波羅蜜 (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 禪那波羅蜜
[...] woman An abbreviation of 禪定門尼. A woman who practices [...] posthumous dharma-name 法名. Cf. 大禪定尼. The equivalent title for [...] The equivalent title for men is 禪定門. 夢窗國師語錄、反故集 T [...]:
View Full Entry 禪定尼