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Headword match for 經量部:

Entry body matches for 經量部

[...] 說一切有部, Sautrāntika 經量部, Mahīśāsaka 化地部, Dharmaguptaka [...]:
View Full Entry 上座部
[...] time. Sautrântika 經量部 doctrine denies that [...]:
View Full Entry 住相
[...] rendering of 經量部. 十八部論 [...]:
View Full Entry 修多羅論部
[...] Sautrântika See 經量部. 十八部論 [...]:
View Full Entry 修妒路句
[...] of the Sautrāntika 經量部 and the Satyasiddhi [...]:
View Full Entry 假名宗
[...] Sautrântika See 經量部. 三論玄義檢幽集 [...]:
View Full Entry 僧迦蘭多
[...] in Sautrântika 經量部 teaching, they are regarded [...]:
View Full Entry 八相
[...] the Sautrāntikas 經量部, a moment is indivisible [...]:
View Full Entry 刹那
[...] the Sautrāntikas 經量部 and Yogācārins 瑜伽行派 took [...]:
View Full Entry 名句文身
[...] with Sautrāntika 經量部 authors) that the moment [...]:
View Full Entry 四種意識
[...] Sautrāntika school 經量部. (室利邏多) a celebrated [...]:
View Full Entry 室利羅多
[...]. The Sautrântika 經量部, also known as 說度部, 經部 [...]:
View Full Entry 小乘二十部
[...] 飮光部 Kāśyaḥpīyā and 經量部 Sautrāntikāḥ. For a [...]:
View Full Entry 小乘十八部
[...], Sautrântika 經量部 thinkers reject the doctrine [...]:
View Full Entry 意根
[...], Sautrāntika 經量部 authors deny that the four [...]:
View Full Entry 所相法
[...], the Sautrāntika 經量部 scholars postulate that [...]:
View Full Entry 據當
[...], the Sautrāntika 經量部 scholars propose that [...]:
View Full Entry 有爲相
[...] Sautrāntika school 經量部. Based on the doctrines [...]:
View Full Entry 業成就論
[...] the Sautrântikas 經量部, these are not considered [...]:
View Full Entry 生住異滅
[...] Sautrântika school 經量部. It was then picked [...]:
View Full Entry 種子
[...] Sautrāntika school 經量部. See entry under transliterated [...]:
View Full Entry 童受
[...] the Sautrântikas 經量部, with both being attempts [...]:
View Full Entry 細意識
[...] the Sautrântikas 經量部. 摩訶止觀 T 1911.46.24a17 [...]:
View Full Entry 經教
[...] school See 經量部 (Skt. Sūtrânta [...]:
View Full Entry 經部
[...] Sautrântika See 經量部. Also a reference to Kumāralāta [...]:
View Full Entry 經部宗
[...](Skt. sūtrânta) See 經量部 [...]:
View Full Entry 經量
[...] in Sautrāntika 經量部 discussions of momentariness [...]:
View Full Entry 自滅
[...] rendering of 經量部. 三論玄義 [...]:
View Full Entry 說度部
[...] rendering of 經量部. 三論玄義 [...]:
View Full Entry 說經部
[...] Saṃkrāntivādin See 經量部 (Sautrāntika school [...]:
View Full Entry 說轉部
[...] later Sautrāntika 經量部 doctrine that the visual [...]:
View Full Entry 識見家
[...] Sautrāntika school 經量部; Dārṣṭāntika is also [...]:
View Full Entry 譬喩師
[...] with Sautrāntika 經量部. This name is derived [...]:
View Full Entry 譬喩部
[...] and Sautrāntika 經量部, played an intimate role [...]:
View Full Entry 阿毘達磨
[...] the Sautrāntikas 經量部.It may have been this [...]:
View Full Entry 阿毘達磨倶舍論
[...] or a Sautrāntika 經量部, or whether he might have [...]:
View Full Entry 陳那
[...] being.Sautrāntika 經量部, like other Buddhist [...]:
View Full Entry 隨界
[...] Sautrāntika school 經量部. According to Xuanzangʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 鳩摩邏多