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Headword match for 聖教量:

Entry body matches for 聖教量

[...] (āgama-pramāṇa) 聖教量. In this sense, see also [...]:
View Full Entry 三量
[...] valid cognition 聖教量. 菩薩戒本持犯要記 T 1907.45.920a1 [...]:
View Full Entry 不違法相
[...] authority 聖教量 (āgama-pramāṇa), by example, [...]:
View Full Entry 五量
[...] authority 聖教量 (āgama-pramāṇa), is added the [...]:
View Full Entry 四量
[...] 比量, and āptâgama 聖教量. (T.31.1605.693b28–693c1 [...]:
View Full Entry 成法八種
[...] rendering of 聖教量 (Skt. āgama-pramāṇa; Tib. [...]:
View Full Entry 正教量
[...] validity 聖教量, and other forms of accepted logical [...]:
View Full Entry 眞實義
[...]). Also rendered as 聖教量, 聲量, and 正教量 (Skt. āptâgama [...]:
View Full Entry 至教量
[...] (śabda-pramāṇa 聲量, 聖教量), but afterwards all pramāṇas other than perception and inference were rejected. Various Hindu schools proposed a variety of additional pramāṇas, including traditional teachings of the sages (āpta-pramāṇa, 聖教量), analogy or comparison [...]:
View Full Entry 量