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Headword matches for 薩迦耶見:
ALSO IN: 倶生薩迦耶見   分別薩迦耶見   薩迦耶見以爲根本  

Entry body matches for 薩迦耶見

[...] of view of person 薩迦耶見, the conceit I am 我慢 [...]:
View Full Entry 任運煩惱
[...]). Equivalent to 薩迦耶見. 二障義 HBJ 1.798b 瑜伽論 T 1579 [...]:
View Full Entry 倒體
[...] of a bodily self 薩迦耶見; the conceit I am 我慢; [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生任運四種煩惱
[...] of a self 薩迦耶見; extreme views 邊執見; evil views [...]:
View Full Entry 十種煩惱
[...] of view of person 薩迦耶見, self-pride 我慢, and self [...]:
View Full Entry 四種煩惱
[...].30.574a5 See under 薩迦耶見 [...]:
View Full Entry 我所行
[...]-dhāta). See under 薩迦耶見. [...]:
View Full Entry 我行
[...] persons. See also 薩迦耶見, 身見, 有身見, and 十種我見 (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 我見
[...]-view. See under 薩迦耶見 (Skt. satkāya-dṛṣṭi, svakāya [...]:
View Full Entry 有身見
[...] of the body 薩迦耶見. In the Agamas, the term is [...]:
View Full Entry 空
[...]. 'jig tshogs). See 薩迦耶見 [...]:
View Full Entry 薩迦耶
[...] view (like 薩迦耶見)—or at least self-view (我見; [...]:
View Full Entry 見一處住地
[...] of satkāya-dṛṣṭi 薩迦耶見 is commonly used. See [...]:
View Full Entry 身見
[...] all non-Buddhists. 薩迦耶見者。於五取蘊心執增益見我我所名薩迦耶見。此復二種。一者俱生。二分別起。俱生者。一切愚夫異生乃至禽獸並皆現行 [...]:
View Full Entry 薩迦耶見