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Headword matches for 觀無量壽經:
ALSO IN: 觀無量壽經義疏  

Entry body matches for 觀無量壽經

[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經, it is stated that seeing [...]:
View Full Entry 一佛一切佛
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經, the distinction in the [...]:
View Full Entry 三三品
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經, three assured mental [...]:
View Full Entry 三心
[...] teaching: 無量壽經; 觀無量壽經; 阿彌陀經 [...]:
View Full Entry 三經一論
[...] of Infinite Life 觀無量壽經, (Skt. Amitāyur-dhyāna [...]:
View Full Entry 上品之華
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經 in which the believer [...]:
View Full Entry 九品往生圖
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 these are categorized [...]:
View Full Entry 九品淨土
[...] three sutras 無量壽經, 觀無量壽經, and 阿彌陀經; 觀察 meditate [...]:
View Full Entry 五正行
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 (T 365). [European Language [...]:
View Full Entry 佛說觀無量壽佛經
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經. There are many varieties [...]:
View Full Entry 來迎圖
[...] Sutra 觀無量壽經, just as 爾前 in the Tiantai school [...]:
View Full Entry 化前
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 (T 365). This title derives [...]:
View Full Entry 十六觀經
[...] shu miao zongchao 觀無量壽經疏妙宗鈔 (1021) the Chinese Tiantai 天台 master Zhili 知禮 expressed the idea that this is supported by the line in the 觀無量壽經 that says 是心作佛, 是心是佛 [...]:
View Full Entry 卽心念佛
[...]] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經, there is a passage [...]:
View Full Entry 去此不遠
[...] reading the Guan wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 (Sutra of Meditation on the [...] of the Guan wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經. He was popularly known as [...]:
View Full Entry 善導
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經; Amitâbha-sūtra 阿彌陀經 [...]:
View Full Entry 四部經
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經 standing on either side [...]:
View Full Entry 大勢至菩薩
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經 says: a soft jewel comes from the king of the cintā-maṇi pearl 其寶柔軟,從如意珠王生. 觀無量壽經 T [...]:
View Full Entry 如意珠王
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經: the perfectly sincere [...]:
View Full Entry 安心起行作業
[...]-dhyāna-sūtra 觀無量壽經, Daochuo distinguished Buddhist [...]:
View Full Entry 安樂集
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 are based on the material [...]:
View Full Entry 寂志果經
[...] Sutra 觀無量壽經 T 365; when they reached the portion [...]:
View Full Entry 戒度
[...] found in the 觀無量壽經, which is commonly repeated [...]:
View Full Entry 攝取不捨
[...] meditations in the 觀無量壽經. Also written 日輪觀, 日想 [...]:
View Full Entry 日想觀
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經, Yaoshi jing 藥師經, Dizang [...]:
View Full Entry 月印釋譜
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經, and the Amitâbha-sūtra [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土三部經
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經, the Emituo jing 阿彌陀經 [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土宗
[...] Life See 觀無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽佛經
[...] Life See 觀無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽佛觀經
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經. 菩提心論 [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽觀經
[...] Sūtra (Guan wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經). The left side-strip [...] sutra, Guan wuliangshou jing shu 觀無量壽經疏. The original tapestry has [...]:
View Full Entry 當麻曼荼羅
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 *Amitāyurbuddhânusmṛti [...]:
View Full Entry 畺良耶舍
[...] by the title of 觀無量壽經. *Amitāyur [...]:
View Full Entry 觀無量壽佛經
[...] Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經 authored by the Song [...]:
View Full Entry 觀無量壽佛經疏妙宗鈔
[...] of the Guan wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 (T 365, K 191). 阿彌陀經疏 HBJ [...] are: the Guan Wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經 (Contemplation Sutra) T 365; [...]:
View Full Entry 觀經
[...] Sutra 觀無量壽經 two hundred times, and recited Amitâbhaʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 道綽
[...] on Infinite Life 觀無量壽經 were predominant in Pure [...]:
View Full Entry 阿彌陀經
[...] wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經. Throughout the sutra [...]:
View Full Entry 韋提希
[...] Sutra 觀無量壽經疏 (T 1753), this is one of two categories [...]:
View Full Entry 假正報
[...] jing shu 觀無量壽經疏, someone who is practicing the [...]:
View Full Entry 妙好人
[...]) 觀音義疏 (T 1728) 觀無量壽經疏 (T 1750) 阿彌陀經義記 (T 1755 [...]:
View Full Entry 智顗
[...] sūtra 觀無量壽經疏, Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra, the Vimalakīrti [...]:
View Full Entry 法常
[...] Sutra 觀無量壽經疏 (T 1753), this is one of two categories [...]:
View Full Entry 眞正報
[...] title for 觀無量壽經疏, which is in turn the title [...]:
View Full Entry 觀經疏
[...] Sutra 觀無量壽經疏 (T 1753), this is the direct karmic [...]:
View Full Entry 通正報
[...] jing yishu 觀無量壽經義疏, Sifenlü xingshi chaozi chiji [...]:
View Full Entry 元照
[...] jing yishu 觀無量壽經義疏, and the Shengmanjing yiji [...]:
View Full Entry 淨影慧遠
[...] 淨影慧遠 (523–592), 觀無量壽經義疏 T 1749 (translated by Tanaka); and Jizang 吉藏 (549–623), 觀無量壽經義疏 T 1752. Another important [...]:
View Full Entry 觀無量壽經