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Headword matches for 邪定聚:
ALSO IN: 堕邪定聚   墮邪定聚  

Entry body matches for 邪定聚

[...] See 三聚 (正定聚, 邪定聚,不定聚). Three kinds of people [...]:
View Full Entry 三機
[...] evil paths 邪性定聚 (邪定聚), and (3) those whose [...]:
View Full Entry 三聚
[...] concentration 於正定聚、邪定聚、不定聚一切衆生,都無所棄,一心攝取,而不見有邪正等相 [...]:
View Full Entry 百八三昧
[...]-niyata). Same as 邪定聚 and 邪性定聚. 無量壽經宗要 T 1747 [...]:
View Full Entry 邪定
[...] beings See 邪定聚. 大寶積經 T [...]:
View Full Entry 邪定衆生