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Headword matches for 金剛喩定:
ALSO IN: 金剛喩定現在前時  

Entry body matches for 金剛喩定

[...]-like samādhi 金剛喩定 manifests, it attracts a perfectly [...]:
View Full Entry 所轉捨
[...] absorption 金剛喩定 (Skt. parâyaṇa; Tib. mi slob [...]:
View Full Entry 究竟道
[...] absorption 金剛喩定, there exists a root aggregate [...]:
View Full Entry 窮生死蘊
[...] absorption 金剛喩定, 金剛三昧. The Sanskrit vajra is [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛
[...] extinguished. See 金剛喩定. Also known as the adamantine [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛三昧
[...] absorption 金剛三昧 (金剛喩定). Also written with 金剛地 [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛位
[...]-like samādhi See 金剛喩定(Skt. samādhi-vajra-bimbôpama [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛喩三摩提
[...] absorption See 金剛喩定 (Skt. vajrasamādhi). 倶舍論 [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛定
[...] absorption 金剛喩定. But in the Sagyoui, it is equated [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛心
[...] here. (Also 金剛喩定) 成唯識論述記 [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛心位