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Basic Meaning: Buddhalocanā


  • Buddhalocanī. 'Goddess of the Buddhaʼs eye;' also written 佛眼部母, 佛眼明妃, 佛眼尊, 虛空眼明妃, 能寂母, 金剛吉祥眼, 一切如來佛眼大金剛吉祥一切佛母, 一切如來寶, 佛母尊, and 佛母身. A buddha depicted as female in the Court of Omniscience 遍知院 in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala 胎藏界曼荼羅, but lone representations also exist in Japan. Seed syllables: ga, gaṃ (derived from gagana, 'sky, space' ). Mudrā: saṃpuṭa añjali 虛心合掌. Mantra: namaḥ samantabuddhānāṃ gaṃ gaganavaralakṣaṇe gaganasame sarvatrodgatabhiḥ sārasambhave jvala namo 'moghānāṃ svāhā. An adorned buddha, gold in color, seated on a red lotus with hands in the samādhi mudrā 定印. The mother who produces buddhas, i.e., the mother of Mahāvairocana 毘盧遮那佛母. This figure represents the wisdom of Mahāvairocana. The 'buddha-eye'  佛眼 is also called the 'wisdom-eye'  智慧眼 and 'space-eye'  虛空眼. Just as space is free of hindrances and extends everywhere, purely and equally, so too does the 'space-eye' observe beings and lead them onto the Buddhist path 佛道. The Mahāvairocana-sūtra 大日經 ((T 848); fasc. 2) describes her as 'the color of pure glinting gold'  晃曜眞金色. The mantra also includes the term jvala (blaze, radiance). Just as gold is the king of wealth and leads people to being wealthy, so too does the golden color, which represents the brilliance of Buddhalocanāʼs wisdom, make beings advance upwards.


    Somekawa, Eisuke 染川英輔, Michihiko 小峰弥彦 Komine, Tenyū 小山典勇 Koyama, Hisao 高橋尚夫 Takahashi, and Takayuki 廣澤隆之 Hirosawa. 1993. Mandara zuten曼荼羅図典 . Tokyo:  Daihōrinkaku.

    大日經, 大品般若經〕 [Jeffrey Kotyk; source(s): Ui, Nakamura]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 923

    Bulgyo sajeon 334a

    Iwanami Bukkyō jiten 696

    Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 1191d

    Fo Guang Dictionary 2721

    Ding Fubao {Digital Version}

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)4445b

    Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1554-2

    Entry created: 2007-08-19

    Updated: 2016-05-29