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Basic Meaning: ten profound approaches


  • The ten mysterious gates. Rendered by Zhiyan as 十玄緣起. Ten profound principles of dependent arising and interpenetration taught in Huayan, which are:
    1. All things produce one another at the same time. 同時具足相應門
    2. The greater and lesser influence each other. 廣狹自在無礙門
    3. One and many influence each other, without losing their own peculiarities. 一多相容不同門
    4. All things are interdependent, so that one is all and all is one. 諸法相卽自在門
    5. Explicitness and implicitness coexist. 隱密顯了倶成門
    6. All things influence one another, keeping good order. 微細相容安立門
    7. All things influence one another as the jewels of Indraʼs net reflect on one another endlessly. 因陀羅網法界門
    8. Anything can be made an example for the explanation of the truth of interdependence of all things. 託事顯法生解門
    9. The past, present, and future influence one another without confusion. 十世隔法異成門
    10. Anything can be regarded as the center of the others. 主伴圓明具德門
    [Charles Muller; source(s): Nakamura, JEBD, Soothill]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 500

    Bulgyo sajeon 545a

    Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (Daitō shuppansha) 146b/163

    Zen Dust (Sasaki) 182

    Zengo jiten (Iriya and Koga) 9-P190

    Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 652b

    Fo Guang Dictionary 416

    Ding Fubao

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)2239c

    Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 451-1*909-1

    Entry created: 2001-09-08

    Updated: 2011-09-03