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Basic Meaning: forty-eight minor precepts


  • The forty-eight lesser rules taught in the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網經 following upon the teaching of the ten grave precepts 十重戒. They include precepts against disrespect of oneʼs teacher, intoxication, meat-eating, consumption of pungent roots, etc. The sutra itself does not contain labeled headings for these precepts, so the list below comes from the labels provided by Daehyeon 大賢 (T 1815; traditionally considered to be the most accurately descriptive), along with the other major commentators whose works are contained in Taishō, including Zhiyi 智顗 (T 1811), Mingkuang 明曠 (T 1812), Fazang 法藏 (T 1813), and Uijeok 義寂 (T 1814). The English renderings are based on Daehyeonʼs labels, coupled with a reading of the text of each precept.
    Number English Daehyeon Zhiyi Fazang Uijeok Mingkuang
    (1) Don't Show Disrespect to Senior Teachers 不敬師長戒 不敬師友戒 輕慢師長戒 敬事尊長戒 不敬師長戒
    (2) Don't Drink Alcohol 飮酒戒 飮酒戒 飮酒戒 不飮酒戒 不飮酒戒
    (3) Don't Eat Meat 食肉戒 食肉戒 食肉戒 不食肉戒 不食肉戒
    (4) Don't Eat the Five Pungent Roots 食五辛戒 食五辛戒 食五辛戒 不食辛戒 不食辛戒
    (5) Don't Fail to Encourage Others to Repent 不擧教懺戒 不教悔罪戒 不擧教懺戒 擧罪教懺戒 不教懺悔戒
    (6) Don't Fail to Request Instruction in the Dharma from Visiting Teachers 住不請法戒 不供給請法戒 不敬請法戒 供師請法戒 不供給請法戒
    (7) Don't Miss the Chance to Attend Dharma Lectures 不能遊學戒 懈怠不聽法戒 不聽經律戒 聽法諮受戒 懈怠不肯聽法戒
    (8) Don't Turn Your Back on the Great Vehicle and Regress to the Lesser Vehicle 背正向邪戒 背大向小戒 背正向邪戒 不背大乘戒 背正向邪戒
    (9) Don't Fail to Care for The Sick 不瞻病苦戒 不看病戒 不瞻病苦戒 瞻給病人戒 不瞻病苦戒
    (10) Don't Amass Weapons 畜殺生具戒 畜殺具戒 畜諸殺具戒 不畜殺具戒 畜諸殺具戒
    (11) Don't Serve as a Negotiator for the Military 通國使命戒 國使戒 通國入軍戒 不通國使戒 傳信往還名通國使命
    (12) Don't Get Involved in Trading that Causes Trouble for Others 惱他販賣戒 販賣戒 傷慈販賣戒 不惡販賣戒 傷慈販賣戒
    (13) Don't Make Groundless Accusations 無根謗毀戒 謗毀戒 無根謗人戒 不毀良善戒 無根重罪謗他戒
    (14) Don't Harm the Living by Setting Fires 放火損生戒 放火燒戒 放火損燒戒 不輒放火戒 放火燒戒
    (15) Don't Teach Non-Buddhist Doctrines 法化違宗戒 僻教戒 法化違宗戒 不僻教授戒 化法違宗戒
    (16) Don't be Stingy with Material Wealth or the Dharma 貪財惜法戒 爲利倒說戒 惜法規利戒 無倒說法戒 規利倒說戒
    (17) Don't Seek to Gain Political Influence 依勢惡求戒 恃勢乞求戒 依官強乞戒 不橫乞求戒 恃勢求財戒
    (18) Don't Pretend to be an Accomplished Teacher 虛僞作師戒 無解作師戒 無知爲師戒 不詐作師戒 無知爲師戒
    (19) Don't Get Involved in Treachery 鬥諍兩頭戒 兩舌戒 鬥謗欺賢戒 不鬥兩頭戒 離間賢善戒
    (20) Don't Fail to Help the Living or the Deceased 不救存亡戒 不行放救戒 不能救生戒 放救報恩戒 不行救生戒
    (21) Don't be Intolerant of Wrongs Done 不忍違犯戒 瞋打報仇戒 無慈忍酬怨戒 忍受違犯戒 無慈報酬戒
    (22) Don't Arrogantly Despise Your Teacher 慢人輕法戒 憍慢不請法戒 慢人輕法戒 下心受法戒 輕慢法師戒
    (23) Don't Despise Beginning Practitioners 輕蔑新學戒 憍慢僻說戒 輕新求學戒 好心教授戒 輕人僻說戒
    (24) Don't Fear the Superior and Follow the Inferior 怖勝順劣戒 不習學佛戒 背正向邪戒 不專異學戒 捨眞集僞戒
    (25) Don't Fail to Properly Fulfill Administrative Duties 爲主失儀戒 不善知衆戒 爲主失儀戒 善御衆物戒 不善和衆戒
    (26) Don't Receive Guests Improperly 領賓違式戒 獨受利養戒 待賓乖式戒 主客同利戒 待賓乖式戒
    (27) Don't Accept Personal Invitations 受他別請戒 受別請戒 受別請戒 不受別請戒 別受他請戒
    (28) Don't Offer Personal Invitations to Monks 自別請僧戒 別請僧戒 故別請僧戒 不別請僧戒 別請僧戒
    (29) Don't Earn Your Livelihood Improperly 邪命養身戒 邪命自活戒 惡伎損生戒 不作邪命戒 邪命自活戒
    (30) Don't Hurt People While Feigning Intimacy 詐親害生戒 不敬好時戒 違禁行非戒 不作邪業戒 時月媒嫁戒
    (31) Don't Be Lax in Rescuing Venerable Articles and Persons from Danger 不救尊厄戒 不行救贖戒 見厄不救戒 救贖危苦戒 不行救贖戒
    (32) Don't Deviously Confiscate the Property of Others 橫取他財戒 損害衆生戒 畜作非法戒 不畜損害戒 畜造非滅戒
    (33) Don't Pass Your Time Idly 虛作無義戒 邪業覺觀戒 觀聽作惡戒 不行邪逸戒 觀聽惡作戒
    (34) Don't Retreat from the Aspiration for Enlightenment 退菩提心戒 暫念小乘戒 堅持守心戒 不念餘乘戒 繫念小乘戒
    (35) Don't Fail to Make Vows 不發願戒 不發願戒 不發大願戒 發願希求戒 不發十願戒
    (36) Don't Fail to Initiate the Vow on Your Own 不生自要戒 不發誓戒 不起十願戒 作誓自要戒 對境無誓戒
    (37) Don't Intentionally Go to Dangerous Places 故入難處戒 冒難遊行戒 故入難處戒 隨時頭陀戒 故入難處戒
    (38) Don't Sit Out of Order 坐無次 乖尊卑次序戒 衆坐乖儀戒 尊卑次第戒 衆坐乖法戒
    (39) Don't Pursue Personal Gain 不行利樂戒 不修福慧戒 應講不講戒 福慧攝人戒 不勸修福講解利生戒
    (40) Don't Err in Terms of Who Can be Taught 攝化漏失戒 揀擇受戒 受戒非儀戒 不擇堪受戒 爲師簡擇戒
    (41) Don't Seek Disciples for the Wrong Reasons 惡求弟子戒 爲利作師戒 無德詐師戒 具德作師戒 爲利作師戒
    (42) Don't Teach the Precepts to the Wrong Persons 非處說戒 爲惡人說戒 非處說戒戒 說戒簡人戒 爲惡人說菩薩律儀戒
    (43) Don't Intentionally Break the Holy Precepts 故違聖禁戒 無慚受施戒 故毀禁戒戒 不故毀犯戒 故毀禁法戒
    (44) Don't Fail to Revere the Sutras and Vinayas 不重經律戒 不供養經典戒 不敬經律戒 供養經典戒 不敬經律戒
    (45) Don't Fail to Teach Sentient Beings 不化有情戒 不化衆生戒 不化衆生戒 悲心唱導戒 不化衆生戒
    (46) Don't Preach the Dharma Using Improper Protocol 說法乖儀戒 說法不如法戒 說法乖儀戒 敬心說法戒 說法乖式戒
    (47) Don't Establish Systems that Undermine the Dharma 非法立制戒 非法制限戒 非法立制戒 不立惡制戒 立制滅法戒
    (48) Don't Undermine the Dharma From Within 自破內法戒 破法戒 自壞內法戒 愛護正法戒 自破內法戒


    Muller, A. Charles. 2012. The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism: Volume XI: 梵網經古迹記 Exposition of the Sutra of Brahmāʼs Net. Seoul:  Compilation Committee of Korean Buddhist Thought, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism.

    [Charles Muller; source(s): Ui, Nakamura, JEBD, FGD]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 408

    Bulgyo sajeon 373a

    Zengaku daijiten (Komazawa U.) 435a

    A Glossary of Zen Terms (Inagaki) 19

    Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (Daitō shuppansha) 277b/307

    Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 521d

    Fo Guang Dictionary 1636

    Ding Fubao

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)1811b,4712a

    Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 717-3

    Entry created: 2001-09-08

    Updated: 2017-02-01