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Basic Meaning: four fallacies due to contradictions with the reason


  • In Buddhist logic 因明, a sub-group under the fourteen fallacies due to problems with the reason 因十四過. Also listed as 四違, 四相違因, and 四相違. Some dictionaries explain the term under 相違因. Broadly speaking, these are fallacies that are generated as a result of the reason being in conflict with one of the properties contained in the premise (thus, either its predicate or subject. The four are:
    1. contradicting expressed-predicate 法自相相違因 (過) (Skt. dharma-svarūpa-viruddha-hetu, dharma-svarūpa-viparīta-sādhanaḥ)
    2. reason that is contradictory due to its differences with the premise 法差別相違因 (過)。 (Skt. dharma-viśeṣa-viruddha-hetu, dharma-viśeṣa-viparīta-sādhanaḥ)
    3. contradicting expressed-subject 有法自相相違因 (過) (Skt. dharmi-svarūpa-viruddha-hetu, dharmi-svarūpa-viparīta-sādhanaḥ)
    4. proves the opposite of a specific [aspect of] the subject 有法差別相違因 (過) (Skt. dharmi-viśeṣa-viparīta-sādhana, Skt. dharmi-viśeṣa-viruddha-hetu)
    因明入正理論疏 T 1840.44.133a19〕 [Charles Muller; source(s): Nakamura]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 414

    Bulgyo sajeon 369a

    Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 526a

    Entry created: 2007-02-27

    Updated: 2009-11-24