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Basic Meaning: banner(s)


  • (1) For the ceremony of installing an abbot 晉山式, four brocaded banners 錦幡四流, usually colored banners 彩幡 made of green , yellow , red , white , and black cloth. Each banner has one phrase of following verse written on it:

    The great merit of all buddha tathāgatas is 諸佛如來大功德

    Unsurpassed among all things auspicious. 諸吉祥中最無上

    All buddhas all come and enter this place, 諸佛倶來入是處

    So this ground is most auspicious. 是故此地最吉祥

    (2) For food-offering assembly 施食會,

    (a) two large banners 大幡, white. Each banner has one phrase of following dhāraṇī written on it:

    on mani baji rei un 唵麼抳嚩日哩吽

    on mani darei un batta 唵麼抳馱哩泮吒

    (b) 'five tathagatas' banners 五如來幡. Five colored banners (green , yellow , red , white , and black ), each with one of the following five lines written on it:

    Homage to Tathāgata Abundant Treasures 南無多寶如來

    Homage to Tathāgata Exquisitely Hued Body 南無妙色身如來

    Homage to Tathāgata Ambrosia King 南無甘露王如來

    Homage to Tathāgata Extensive Body 南無廣博身如來

    Homage to Tathāgata Fearless 南無離怖畏如來

    (c) 'four deva kings' banners 四天王幡. Four white banners 白幡四流, each with one of following four lines written on it:

    Deva King Nation Preserver, of the East 東方持國天王

    Deva King All Seeing, of the West 西方廣目天王

    Deva King Prosperity, of the South 南方增長天王

    Deva King All Hearing, of the North 北方多聞天王

    (d) small banners 小幡. Twenty-five five-colored 五色 banners, each with one line from the following verse written on it:

    We in this assembly 是諸衆等

    Aspire to serve 發心奉持

    A single vessel of pure food, 一器淨食

    Giving it in the ten directions 布施 十方

    Exhaustively throughout space, 窮盡虛空

    Extending to all Dharma realms 周遍法界

    In lands as numerous as specks of dust, 微塵刹中

    Wherever there are countries, 所有國土

    To all hungry ghosts, 一切餓鬼

    And to all the good and evil spirits, 諸鬼神等

    Long deceased and far away, 先亡久遠

    Who are lords of mountains, rivers, and soil 山川地主

    As well as the vast wilderness. 乃至曠野

    Inviting you to come and gather here, 請來集此

    We now take pity 我今悲愍

    And universally give you food. 普施汝食

    We pray that each and every one of you 願汝各各

    May receive this food of ours 受我此食

    And offer it in turn 轉將供養

    Throughout the entire universe 盡虛空界

    To all buddhas and noble ones 諸佛及聖

    And to all sentient beings. 一切有情

    May you and all sentient beings 汝與有情

    All be fully satiated 普皆飽滿

    And be quickly enabled to attain Buddhahood. 疾得成佛

    (3) For funeral of a venerable monk 尊宿喪儀,

    (a) four colored banners 彩幡四流, each with one line from the following verse written on it:

    The Tathāgata verified nirvana 如來證涅槃

    Forever cutting off birth and death 永斷於生死

    If any achieve wholehearted listening 若有至心聽

    They will forever attain supreme ease 常得無上樂

    (b) four white banners 白幡四流, each with one line from the following verse written on it:

    Supreme great nirvana 無上大涅槃

    Completely bright eternal light of quiescence 圓明 常寂照

    Ordinary deluded people call it death 凡夫謂之死

    Non-Buddhists grasp it as extinction 外道執爲斷

    (c) additional four white banners 白幡四流, each with one line from the following Verse of Impermanence 無常偈 written on it:

    All things are impermanent: 諸行無常

    This is the law of arising and passing away. 是生滅法

    When arising and passing away are extinguished, 生滅滅已

    Extinction is ease. 寂滅爲樂

    (d) 'buddha names' banners 佛名幡. Ten red banners 紅幡, each with one of names of ten buddhas 十佛名號 written on it:

    Vairocana Buddha, pure Dharma body. 淸淨法身盧舍那佛

    Rocana Buddha, complete enjoyment body. 圓滿報身盧遮那佛

    Śākyamuni Buddha, of trillions of transformation bodi. 千百億化身釋迦牟尼佛

    Maitreya Buddha, of future birth. 當來下生彌勒尊佛

    All buddhas of the ten directions and three times. 十方 三世一切諸佛

    Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, of great sagacity. 大聖文殊師利菩薩

    Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, of the great vehicle. 大乘普賢菩薩

    Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva, of great compassion. 大悲觀世音菩薩

    All honored bodhisattvas, those great beings. 諸尊菩薩摩訶薩

    Great perfection of wisdom. 摩訶般若波羅蜜

    (4) For the funeral of a deceased monk 喪儀,

    (a) four white banners 白幡四流, each with one line from the following Verse of Impermanence 無常偈 written on it:

    All things are impermanent 諸行無常

    This is the law of arising and passing away 是生滅法

    When arising and passing away are extinguished 生滅滅已

    Extinction is ease 寂滅 爲樂

    (b) heavenly canopy 天蓋, four small white banners 小白幡四流, each with one line from the following verse written on it:

    All existences regarded as 'things'  一切有 爲法

    Are like apparitions in a dream, like bubbling froth 如夢幻泡影

    Like the morning dew, or flashes of lightning 如露亦如電

    You should regard them in this way 應作如是觀

    (c) coffin , four small white banners 小白幡四流, each with one line from the following verse written on it:

    From delusion, walled cities of the three realms 迷故三界城

    From awakening, space in all ten directions 悟故十方空

    From the start, there is no east or west 本來無東西

    Where could there be north or south? 何處有南北

    (d) six destinies 六道, six banners, each with name of one of following six Earth-Stores 六地藏 written on it:

    (1) Dharma Nature Earth-Store King Bodhisattva 法性地藏王菩薩

    (2) Dhāraṇī Earth-Store King Bodhisattva 陀羅尼地藏王菩薩

    (3) Treasure Mound Earth-Store King Bodhisattva 寶陵地藏王菩薩

    (4) Dharma Seal Earth-Store King Bodhisattva 法印地藏王菩薩

    (5) Cockscomb Earth-Store King Bodhisattva 鷄兜地藏王菩薩

    (6) Earth-Holding Earth-Store King Bodhisattva 地持地藏王菩薩

    [Griffith Foulk]
  • (Skt. patākā, ketu, dhvaja, paṭākā, patāka, patākā-vaijayantī, vaijayantī; Pāli paṭākā; Tib. ba dan) 〔瑜伽論 T 1579.30.495c23〕 (Skt.) [Charles Muller; source(s): YBh-Ind, Hirakawa, Yokoi]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 876, 862

    Bulgyo sajeon 261a

    Zengaku daijiten (Komazawa U.) 1021a, 1033c

    Iwanami bukkyō jiten 668

    Japanese-English Zen Buddhist Dictionary (Yokoi) 17

    Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 1102a, 1117d

    Fo Guang Dictionary 5981

    Ding Fubao {Digital Version}

    Buddhist Chinese-Sanskrit Dictionary (Hirakawa) 0423

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)4245b

    Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1397-2

    Sanskrit-Tibetan Index for the Yogâcārabhūmi-śāstra (Yokoyama and Hirosawa) {Digital Version}

    Soothill 431

    Entry created: 2003-02-01

    Updated: 2009-12-23