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Basic Meaning: one hundred dharmas


  • (Skt. śatamdharma; Tib. chos brgya) According to the Yogâcāra 唯識 school, all experiential phenomena are divided into the five categories of: mind 心法, mental factors 心所, form 色法, factors not directly associated with mind 心不相應行法, and unconditioned dharmas 無爲法. In the mind group there are eight (the eight consciousnesses 八識); within mental factors there are fifty-one, among which are the five which function pervasively 五遍行, the five that function only in regard to specific objects 五別境, the eleven wholesome factors 十一善, the six primary afflictions 根本煩惱, the twenty derivative afflictions 隨煩惱 and the four indeterminate dharmas 四不定. In the group of form there are ten, in the group that are not directly associated with mind, there are twenty-four, in the unconditioned, there are six 六無爲, totaling one hundred. A concise list of these factors is contained in the Dasheng baifa mingmen lun 大乘百法明門論. 1 fasc. by Vasubandhu; trans. Xuanzang. T 1614. The outline below derives from that text:
    1. 心法(8):
      1. 眼識
      2. 耳識
      3. 鼻識
      4. 舌識
      5. 身識
      6. 意識
      7. 末那識
      8. 阿賴耶識
    2. 心所有法 (51 in 6 groups):
      1. 遍行(5):
        1. 作意
      2. 別境(5):
        1. 勝解
      3. (11):
        1. 精進
        2. 無貪
        3. 無嗔
        4. 無癡
        5. 輕安
        6. 不放逸
        7. 行捨
        8. 不害
      4. 煩惱(6):
        1. 無明
        2. 不正見
      5. 隨煩惱(20):
        1. 忿
        2. 無慚
        3. 懈怠
        4. 無愧
        5. 不信
        6. 放逸
        7. 惛沈
        8. 掉擧
        9. 失念
        10. 不正知
        11. 散亂
      6. 不定(4):
        1. 睡眠
        2. 惡作
    3. 色法 (11):
      1. 法處所 攝色
    4. 心不相應行法(24):
      1. 命根
      2. 衆同分
      3. 異生性
      4. 無想定
      5. 滅盡定
      6. 無想報
      7. 名身
      8. 句身
      9. 文身
      10. 無常
      11. 相應
      12. 不和合性
      13. 流轉
      14. 定異
      15. 勢速
      16. 次第
      17. 和合性
    5. 無爲法(6):
      1. 虛空無爲
      2. 擇滅無爲
      3. 非擇滅無爲
      4. 不動滅無爲
      5. 想受滅無爲
      6. 眞如無爲
    [Charles Muller; source(s): Ui, Nakamura, YBh-Ind, JEBD]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 895

    Bulgyo sajeon 256a

    Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (Daitō shuppansha) 122b/134

    Zengo jiten (Iriya and Koga) 3-P300

    Bukkyōgo daijiten (Nakamura) 1144d

    Fo Guang Dictionary 2493

    Ding Fubao

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)4342c

    Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1474-2

    Entry created: 1993-09-01

    Updated: 2019-08-19