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Basic Meaning: Bodhidharma


  • The putative founder of the Chan school 禪宗 in China. He is said to have come from India to teach the direct transmission from mind to mind, not relying on scriptural sources 不立文字. The Chan school records him as having passed his enlightenment down to a succession of disciples, who are called the patriarchs of the Chan school. According to his traditional biography he was the scion of a South Indian royal family, 28th in a direct line of transmission from Śākyamuni, whose master (the 27th patriarch) told him to transmit the Dharma to China. He went there by the perilous sea route, arriving in the region of Canton in the early sixth century. He proceeded to Jiankang, where he had his famous dialogue with Liang Wudi 梁武帝, which ended with him telling the emperor that all his munificent donorship would gain him no merit. He then went North, crossing the Yangzi on a reed, and went into retirement on Mt. Song near Luoyang (site of Shaolin Temple), where he meditated constantly for nine years in a cave, whence he received the title of wall-gazing Brahman 壁觀婆羅門.

    Tradition also has it that he was the originator of the martial arts of the Shaolin monks. Huike 慧可, a literatus of no mean accomplishment as well as a Buddhist monk, came to him and cut off his arm to show his ardor for the Dharma, and received transmission, becoming the 29th patriarch and 2nd in the Chinese lineage. First mention of Bodhidharma in the extant historical record is found in the Luoyang qielan ji 洛陽伽藍記, (Record of the Buddhist Temples of Luoyang), written around 547; in this text, Bodhidharma appears as a pious and well-traveled foreign pilgrim whose astonishment at the Buddhist architecture of Luoyang is therefore even greater testament to the brilliance of the city than any mere Chinese testament. If any of the texts that we now have come directly from Bodhidharmaʼs hand or reflect his teachings, then it is probably those translated by Broughton which were recovered at Dunhuang; among those the Erru sixing lun 二入四行論 may be the best candidate for the title of 'the Ur-text of Chan.' He arrived at Guangdong, said to have been carrying the sacred begging-bowl (despite the fact that he was a kṣatriya). His doctrine and practice were those of the 'inner light,' independent of the written word, but to 慧可 Huike, his successor, he commended the Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra as nearest to his views. He is also known by the posthumous title of 圓覺大師. Variant Chinese rendering is 菩提達摩.

    [Michael Radich]
  • There are many names with Dharma as initial: Dharmapāla, Dharmagupta, Dharmayaśas, Dharmaruci, Dharmarakṣa, Dharmatrāta, Dharmavardhana, etc. [Charles Muller]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 947

    Bulgyo sajeon 295a

    Zengaku daijiten (Komazawa U.) 1152b

    A Glossary of Zen Terms (Inagaki) 17, 436

    Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (Daitō shuppansha) 18a/19

    Japanese-English Zen Buddhist Dictionary (Yokoi) 28

    Zen Dust (Sasaki) 236, 398

    Fo Guang Dictionary 5207

    Ding Fubao

    Bussho kaisetsu daijiten (Ono) ⑨428d

    Index to the Bussho kaisetsu daijiten (Ono) 604

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)4670b,258a,2806b,4262a

    Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1632-2

    Entry created: 1997-09-15

    Updated: 2013-12-23