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Basic Meaning: Dōhaku


  • (1635–1714) A Japanese monk of the Sōtō school 曹洞宗. He was a native of Bingo 備後 (Hiroshima prefecture), his secular surname was Fujii 藤井 and his dharma name was Manzan 卍山. At the age of ten, he took the tonsure under Issen Dōban 一線道播 (d.u.) of Ryūkōji 龍興寺 (in Bingo). After receiving full ordination, he engaged in intensive training, and at the age of seventeen experienced awakening while meditating by the moonlight. He describes this experience in the following verse: "deep night, the clouds cut off, as if washed from the sky; throughout the world, no defilement obstructs my vision" 夜深雲斷天如洗徧界無塵礙眼光. In 1678, he met the Sōtō Zen master Gesshū Sōko 月舟宗胡 and became his dharma heir. In 1680, he replaced Gesshū as abbot of Daijōji 大乘寺 (Ishikawa prefecture). After ten years, he withdrew and moved first to Kōzenji 興禪寺 (Osaka prefecture), and later to Zenjōji 禪定寺 and Genkōan 源光菴. In 1700, he went to Edo (Tokyo) to join forces with Jikushin 竺信 in appealing to the government to reform the Sōtō school system of transmission. In 1703, after several failed attempts, he finally succeeded in persuading the Agency of Temples and Shrines 寺社奉行 to ban the practice of temple Dharma transmission 伽藍法. From this time onwards, he went by the name Fukko Rōjin 復古老人. Dōhaku is acknowledged as a reviver patriarch of the Sōtō school. He was also an eminent scholar who is renowned for his efforts to edit Dōgenʼs 道元 Shōbōgenzō 正法眼藏. Among Dōhakuʼs many works, the Zenkaiketsu 禪戒訣 and Taikaku kanwa 對客閑話 offer a Zen perspective on the meaning of the Buddhist precepts. He also wrote the Tōmon enyoshū 洞門衣袽集, which explains various matters related to Zen, including face-to-face transmission 面授嗣法. His teachings also include Manzanoshō kōroku 卍山和尙廣錄 (49 fasc.), Sandōkai, Hōkyōzanmai shoshinkō 參同契寶鏡三昧書紳稿 (2 fasc.), Zenyotōkō 禪餘套稿, and Tōkai ittekishū 東海一滴集, among others. Dōhakuʼs most eminent disciple was the Tokugawa reformer Menzan Zuihō 面山瑞方. [Erez Joskovich; source(s): Ui, ZGDJT]
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    [Dictionary References]

    Bukkyō jiten (Ui) 784

    Zengaku daijiten (Komazawa U.) 0938d

    Nihon bukkyō jinmei jiten (Saitō and Naruse) 321

    Index to the Bussho kaisetsu daijiten (Ono) 485

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)3903b,139c,3100a

    Entry created: 2020-09-29

    Updated: 2020-09-29