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Basic Meaning: Shishi liutie


  • 24 fasc.; CBETA B13n79. By Yichu 義楚, compilation initiated 945, completed 954. First woodblock edition published 973, second in 1103. An anthology of topically arranged quotes and paraphrased information from various sutras and treatises, in what amounts to a Buddhist encyclopedia. This work is distinctive for its coverage of a wide range of topics, many of which are more typical of the non-Buddhist leishu 類書 (category book) genre than of Chinese Buddhist writings. The title was inspired by Bai Juyiʼs Baishi liutie 白氏六帖 (Mr. Baiʼs Six Books), with the content predominantly Buddhist and bearing influences from Abhidharma 倶舍 thought, Yichuʼs specialization. It was not included in the Buddhist canon until modern times, Yichuʼs text was lost in China but preserved at Tōfukuji 東福寺 in Kyōto, Japan, by Enni Bennen 圓爾辨圓, who on a trip to China collected a copy of the 1103 imprint (possibly a later reprint from the same blocks). In Japan, a new woodblock edition was prepared from the copy held at Tōfukuji and published in 1669, circulating with the title Giso rokujō 義楚六帖. This 1669 edition contains many errors not found in the Tōfukuji edition. In 1944, Chinese scholars edited the 1669 edition from Japan and published it in the Puhui dazang jing 普慧大藏經, a Buddhist canon that was never completed. This Chinese edition, which reproduces errors found in the 1669 edition, is the basis for the digital edition published by CBETA. A facsimile reproduction of the Tōfukuji edition, the oldest extant, is contained in Dai 6, Vol.2 of Yanagida Seizan and Shiina Kōyūʼs Zengaku tenseki sōkan 禪學典籍叢刊 and should be consulted when using the digital edition.

    The Shishi liutie is divided into fifty sections covering roughly 440 topics:

    [義楚六帖幷序 [Book One of] Yichuʼs Six Books, with preface.]

    1. 法王利見部 Beneficial glimpses of the King of the Dharma (i.e., the Buddha)
      1. 名姓行業 Names and activity [of the Buddha]
      2. 相好光明 Primary and secondary marks [of the Buddha] and [his] radiance
      3. 降生時代 Era of [the Buddha's] descent into the world
      4. 所居國土 Land where [the Buddha] lived
      5. 入滅舍利 [The Buddha's] entering into nirvana and [his] relics
      6. 像化靈異 [The period of] teaching through images and of wonderful experiences
    2. 信奉謗毀部 Belief [in] and slander [of the Buddhaʼs teachings]
      1. 王侯信奉 Kingʼs and lordʼs belief in [the Buddhaʼs teachings]
      2. 卿相發心 Arousing the minds of great ministers [toward the great goal of awakening]
      3. 道門歸崇 Reverence returns to the gate of the way (i.e., the Buddhaʼs teachings)
      4. 謗毀報應 [Karmic] results of slander [against the Buddhaʼs teachings]
    3. 大法眞詮部 The correct exegesis of the great Dharma
      1. 法寶名數 Dharma treasures by name and number
      2. 說法相式 Teaching Dharma [by] form and ritual
      3. 說法時處 Times and places of the teaching of Dharma
      4. 諸法名相 Names and forms of the various dharmas
      5. 聽法徒衆 Groups of disciples who listened to Dharma [teachings]
      6. 求法受持 Seeking and upholding Dharma
      7. 發願迴向 Arousing the vow to transfer oneʼs merit to others [for the salvation of all]
      8. 法威德力 The eminent power of Dharma
      9. 法滅因緣 Causes and conditions of the disappearance of Dharma
      10. 諸行心法十善有四一信二樂三愛四念惡有七一惡二毒三嗔四癡五慢六邪見七五逆[八慳九貪十嫉妒] Conditioned phenomena and the Dharma of mind. The ten kinds of skillful [behaviors] have four [types]: the one belief, the two kinds of delight, the three kinds of attachment, and the four kinds of mindfulness. Unskillful [behaviors] have seven [types]: wickedness, poison (i.e., hindrances), anger, delusion, pride, perverse views, and the five heinous crimes.
    4. 損惱有情部 Suffering and sentience
      1. Birth
      2. 宿命 Previous lives
      3. Aging
      4. Disease
      5. Death
      6. 還魂 Rebirth
      7. 苦難 Tribulations
      8. 地獄 Hell
    5. 六到彼岸部 The six perfections ( 'six [methods for] arriving at the other shore' )
      1. 布施一初摠二別 Giving. Initial [giving] and comprehensive [giving] treated separately
      2. 持戒 Upholding precepts
      3. 忍辱 Forbearance
      4. 精進 Effort
      5. 禪定 Meditative concentration
      6. 智慧 Wisdom

        [義楚六帖第 Book Two of Yichuʼs Six Books]

    6. 大士僧伽部 Great leaders and the saṃgha
      1. 僧寶 The saṃgha treasure
      2. 菩薩 Bodhisattvas
      3. 聲聞 Voice-hearers (i.e., disciples; Sk. śrāvaka)
      4. 受記 Receiving assurance [that one will attain enlightenment]
      5. 出家 Leaving home (i.e., renouncing secular life)
      6. 還家 Returning home (i.e., returning to lay life)
      7. 破戒 Breaking of precepts
      8. 沙彌 Novice monks (Sk. śrāmaṇera)
      9. 童子 Child-monks ('princes', neophytes)
      10. 行者 Practitioners
    7. 師徒教誡部 Teachers, students, and instruction
      1. 師主 Masters
      2. 弟子二善惡 Disciples (good and bad)
      3. 侍者 Attendants
      4. 論師 Treatise masters
      5. 法師 Dharma masters
      6. 網維 Regulations
      7. 知事 Officers
      8. 教誠 Instruction
      9. 知足 Satiation of knowledge
      10. 有知 Understanding
      11. 有求 Having something to ask
      12. 不合 Irrelevant
      13. 不應 Inapplicable
      14. 難知 Difficult to understand
      15. 難測 Difficult to fathom
      16. 難得 Difficult to attain
      17. 奇怪 Extraordinary occurrences
      18. 不可避 Unavoidable circumstances
      19. 安樂 Peace of mind
      20. 羞恥 Shame
    8. 威儀禮業部 Deportment and ritual activity
      1. 禮儀 Ritual / Etiquette
      2. 行步 Walking
      3. 位立 Position
      4. 坐起 Sitting and rising
      5. 眠臥 Sleeping
      6. 避嫌 Avoiding the arousal of suspicions
      7. 懺謝 Repentance / Apology
      8. 供養 To make offerings
      9. 齋會 Gatherings [of monks receiving] offerings of food
      10. 溫浴 Warm Bath
      11. 福業 Meritorious activity
      12. 破齋 Breaking monastic rules for eating
    9. 語論樞機部 The crux of [Buddhist] discourse
      1. 語言 Language
      2. 論義 Explaining meanings
      3. 嘲戲 Joking
      4. 辯才 Rhetorical skill
      5. [哂] Laughter
      6. 離間 Sowing dissent
      7. 呵責 Criticism (severe scolding)
      8. 欺誑 Deception
      9. 謗毀 Slander
      10. 妄語 False speech
      11. 不聰 Unintelligence
      12. 止諍 Ending remonstration
    10. 九流文藝部 Letters and arts of the different professions
      1. 道俗著述 Works [by members] of the clergy and of secular society
      2. 九流文字 Words of the different professions
      3. 名利 Fame and profit
      4. 書檄 Correspondence and public declarations
      5. 能書 Literacy
      6. 詩頌 Eulogy / Poetry
      7. 儒墨 Confucians and Mohists
      8. 志學 Dedication to learning
      9. 紙素 筆墨[] Paper and silk [for calligraphy and painting] (brushes and ink appended)
      10. 醫藥 Medicine
      11. 術數 Prophesy
      12. 占卜 Divination
      13. 占夢 Oneiromancy, the interpretation of dreams
      14. 相法 Distinctive marks
      15. 工巧 Fine arts
      16. 畫塑 Painting and sculpture
      17. 商賈 Merchants
    11. 高行諸尼部 Various nuns of lofty conduct
      1. 八敬從道 Complying with the way of the eight [special rules for nuns]
      2. 現通化人 Beings manifested in the present
      3. 傳列高行 Lofty conduct [of nuns] listed in biographies
    12. 僧尼不拜部 [History of] not paying homage [to the saṃgha]
      1. 晉朝英彥 Talented [people] of the Jin dynasty
      2. 宋武命拜 Emperor Wu of the Liu Song dynasty (363–422) orders obeisance
      3. 赫連致禮 Helian Boboʼs 赫連勃勃 (381–425) homage paid to the saṃgha
      4. 齊武沙汰 The sifting [of the saṃgha by] Emperor Wu of Southern Qi (440–493)
      5. 隋唐重議 Renewed debates [on Buddhism] during the Sui and Tang dynasties
      6. 會昌毀滅 Destruction [of Buddhist institutions] in the Huichang era (841–846)
      7. 僧道先後 [Debates on] the order of imperial preference for Buddhists and Daoists
      8. 彥悰福田 Yancongʼs (fl. mid 7th c.) Futian lun
    13. 大道靈仙部 The Great Way (i.e., Daoism) and [its] immortals
      1. 道君 Noble Daoists
      2. 道法 Daoist teaching
      3. 道士 Daoist priests
      4. 奉道 Obeying (i.e., conforming to) the Way
      5. 捨道 Parting with (i.e., non-conformance to) the Way

        [義楚六帖第 Book Three of Yichuʼs Six Books]

    14. 流通大教部 Spread of the Great Teaching (i.e., Buddhism)
      1. 譯經求法計一百一人 101 people who translated scriptures, sought the dharma, and recorded [it]
      2. 摠序 Comprehensive introduction
      3. 法式 [Buddhist] methods and rites
      4. [譯經 Translation of scriptures]
      5. [求法 Seeking the Dharma]
    15. 法施傳燈部 Giving dharma teachings and passing on the lamp[-flame]
      1. 解義二百六十二人 262 people who understood the meaning [of Buddhism]
    16. 神通化物部 Supernatural ability [to] convert beings
      1. 神異十七人感通一百一十四人 Seventeen people [associated with] miracles and 114 people [associated with] response [from buddhas and bodhisattvas]
    17. 靜慮調心部 Quieting thoughts and harmonizing the mind
      1. 習禪二十一人下續高僧九十四人 Twenty-one practitioners of meditation [from the Gaoseng zhuan, Biographies of Eminent Monks], followed by ninety-four from the Xu Gaoseng zhuan (Further Biographies of Eminent Monks)
    18. 持犯開遮部 Rule adherence and [moral] prescription and proscription
      1. 明律一十三人下續高僧二十六人 Thirteen people who elucidated the monastic rules, followed by twenty-six from the Xu Gaoseng zhuan
    19. 捐身爲法部 Casting away oneʼs body for the dharma
      1. 亡身十一人下續高僧一十三人護法十八人 Eleven self-immolators, followed by thirteen more and eighteen dharma protectors from the Xu Gaoseng zhuan
    20. 持誦貫花部 Holding gāthās [and scriptures] in memory through chanting
      1. 誦經二十一人 Twenty-one people who chanted scriptures
    21. 荷負興崇部 Uplifting and promoting [the Dharma]
      1. 興福十四人續高僧正紀十八附見五人 Fourteen people who promoted the merits [of Buddhism], followed by eighteen from the main biographies of the Xu Gaoseng zhuan and five who are appended in notes [to the Xu Gaoseng zhuan]
    22. 抑揚半滿部 Modulated, partial, and complete [Buddhist teachings]
      1. 經師十一人續高僧正紀十八人附見八人 Eleven masters of scripture, eighteen [more] from the main biographies of the Xu Gaoseng zhuan, and eight who are appended in notes [to the Xu Gaoseng zhuan]
    23. 化導人天部 Instruction of humans and gods
      1. 唱導一十人[後雜科八人附見正傳十二人] Ten preachers [after which are eight people of miscellaneous categories, and twelve found in notes appended to the main biographies of the Xu Gaoseng zhuan]

        [義楚六帖第 Book Four of Yichuʼs Six Books]

    24. 威靈神衆部 Gods and deities
      1. 梵王 King of the Brahmā Heaven
      2. 帝釋 Indra
      3. 魔王 Māra (demon king of the sixth heaven)
      4. 天王 [The four] heavenly kings [of the desire realm]
    25. 世主人王部 Lords of the world and kings of men
      1. 轉輪王 Wheel-turning kings
      2. 西土有道粟散王 Scattered kings of western lands who possessed the Way
      3. 無道 [Those of western lands] without the Way
      4. 東土有道粟散王 Scattered kings of the eastern lands who possessed the Way
      5. 無道 [Those of eastern lands] without the Way
    26. 儲君臣佐部 Various lords, ministers, and assistants
      1. 太子一忠孝賢智等 Crown prince (the faithful, filial, virtuous, and wise)
      2. 大臣二善賢忠[][]才智諂侫[] Great ministers (the good, virtuous, faithful, correct, upright, talented, wise, fawning, and flattering)
    27. 神仙高士部 Immortal men (and women?) of excellence
      1. 仙人. Seers
      2. 外道 Non-Buddhists
      3. 道師 Teachers of the Way
      4. 婆羅門 Brahmins
      5. 長者 [Upright] householders
      6. 居士 Lay practitioners
      7. 信士 Male devotees
      8. 逸士 [Socially reclusive] men of moral character
      9. 隱士 Hermits
      10. 博士 Men of broad learning
    28. 人事親朋部 Human relations, family, and friends
      1. 人物 Human possessions
      2. 父母 Father and mother
      3. 兄弟 Older and younger brothers
      4. 舅伯 Uncles and in-laws
      5. 童子 Children
      6. 孝子 Filial sons
      7. 逆子 Rebellious sons
      8. 朋友 Friends
      9. 賓客 Guests
      10. 端正 The elegant (i.e., beautiful people)
      11. 醜陋 The ugly
      12. 奴僕 Slaves and servants
      13. 使役 Attendants
      14. 伴侶 Companions
      15. 孤獨 The lonely
      16. 貧窮 The poor
      17. 乞人 Beggars
      18. 非男 Hermaphrodites
    29. 軍旅雄勇部 Troops and those of great courage
      1. 軍旅 Troops
      2. 鬪戰 Battle
      3. 劫賊 Robbers
      4. 竊盜 Pilferers
      5. 不律 The undisciplined
      6. 殺生 Killing of life
      7. 打縳 Tying up
      8. 相撲 Wrestling
      9. 漁人 Fishermen
      10. 獵師 Hunters
      11. 欠負 Owing debt
      12. 失物 Lost articles
      13. 有過 Wrongdoing
      14. 稅利 Tax and interest
      15. 斷事 Settling matters
    30. 大權現化部 Great potentiality for manifestation
      1. 聖女 Noblewomen
      2. 寶女 Precious maidens
      3. 魔女 Daughters of Māra (i.e., temptresses)
      4. 天女 Goddesses
    31. 后妃公主部 Empresses, imperial concubines, and princesses
      1. 后妃 Empresses and imperial concubines
      2. 公主 Princesses
      3. 宮人 Palace women
    32. 婦女賢亂部 Women virtuous and licentious
      1. 室女 Unmarried girls
      2. 嫁娶 Daughters marrying out and brides marrying in [to a household]
      3. 妻室 Wives
      4. 偏室 Concubines
      5. 婢妓 Slave girls and prostitutes
      6. 逃亡 Fugitive [women]
      7. 婬濫 [The] sexually unrestrained
    33. 幽冥神鬼部 Netherworld deities and ghosts
      1. 閻羅 Yama
      2. 金剛 Vajra (Vajra-warriors)
      3. 修羅 Asura
      4. [] Deva king[s]
      5. [] Ghost [generals]
      6. 夜叉 Yakṣa
      7. 羅刹 Ogres (Sk. rākṣasa)
      8. 精魅 Evil spirits
      9. 妖怪 Monsters
      10. 靈變 Unexplainable phenomena

        [義楚六帖第 Book Five of Yichuʼs Six Books]

    34. 自在光明部 Sovereign radiance
      1. Heaven
      2. 道門天 Heaven of the Daoists
      3. Sun
      4. Moon
      5. Stars
      6. Wind
      7. Clouds
      8. Rain
      9. Thunder
      10. Hail
      11. Lightning
      12. [Double] rainbows
      13. Snow
      14. Drought
      15. Years
      16. 劫時 Kalpa chronology
      17. 節會 Holiday feasts
      18. 寒熱 Cold and heat
      19. 晝夜 Day and night
    35. 厚載靈源部 Solid land and numinous waters
      1. Ground
      2.  川谷附之 Mountains, appended with [small] rivers and valleys
      3. Ocean
      4. Vast rivers (like the Yangzi)
      5. Great rivers (like the Yellow River)
      6. Waters
      7. Springs
      8. Ponds
      9. Wells
      10. Caves and ravines
      11. Dust
      12. Mud
      13. [沙附] Soil, appended with sand
      14. Ash
      15. Fire
      16. Lamps
    36. 草木果實部 Plants and fruits
      1. Gardens
      2. Woods
      3. Trees
      4. Flowers
      5. Fruits
      6. Thorny plants
      7. [芭蕉附之] Herbaceous plants, appended with apple banana
      8. 甘蔗 Sugarcane
      9. Bamboo
      10. 葡萄 Grape
      11. 蘿蔔 Radish
      12. 瓜菜 Gourds and melons
      13. 芥刺 Mustard [greens] and thorns
      14. [雜草 Miscellaneous plants]
    37. 酒食助味部 Food, drink, and assisting flavors (i.e., salt and sauce)
      1. 酒一得二失 Alcoholic beverages, [their] benefit and harm
      2. Food and eating
      3. Porridge
      4. () Cooked rice
      5. Soup
      6. Flour products
      7. Dry-roasted and milled grain
      8. Salt
      9. Butter ()
      10. Milk
      11. Yogurt
      12. 甘露 Ambrosia
      13. Honey
      14. Meat
      15. 麵十五麥附 Flour, appended with wheat
      16. Oil
      17. 漿 Beverages
      18. Rice
      19. 1 Millet
      20. 榖 Grain
      21. Sugar
      22. 小豆 Small beans
      23. 種植 Planting
      24. 飢渴 Hunger and thirst
      25. Satiation
    38. 寶玉珍竒() Treasure, jade, and rarities
      1. Treasure
      2. Gold
      3. 金剛 Diamond
      4. Silver
      5. 琉璃 Glass
      6. Pearl
      7. 水晶 Crystal
      8. Jade
      9. Cash
      10. Wealth (i.e., capital)
      11. Iron
      12. 富貴 Riches and honor
    39. 雅樂淸歌部 Refined music and pure songs
      1. Music
      2. Stringed instruments (lute and zither)
      3. 琵琶 Pipa
      4. Drums
      5. Large bells
      6. [ Small bells]
      7. [ Chimes]
      8. Song
      9. Dancing
      10. 碁 Board games (go and Chinese chess)
    40. 五境爲緣部 The five conditioned external objects [of perception]
      1. Colors and form
      2. Sounds
      3. Smells
      4. Flavors
      5. Tactile objects
    41. 六根嚴相部 The adorning outward forms of the six [sense] faculties
      1. Eyes
      2. Ears
      3. Nose
      4. [口脣齒附] Tongue, appended with mouth, lips, and teeth
      5.  燒捨賣易附之 Body, appended with burning, abandoning, selling, and altering
      6. Mind
    42. 隨根諸事部 Various things associated with the faculties
      1. Head
      2. Arms
      3. Hands
      4. Fingers
      5. Feet
      6. Legs
      7. Eyebrows
      8. Head hair
      9. [Other] hair
      10. Skin
      11. Bone
      12. 血脈 Blood vessels
      13. 淚汗 Tears and sweat
      14. Vomit
      15. Feces
      16. 尿 Urine
      17. 息氣 Breath

        [義楚六帖第 Book Six of Yichuʼs Six Books]

    43. 國城州市部 States, cities, regions, and markets
      1. States
      2. [Walled] cities
      3. Regions
      4.  方處附[] Markets, appended with directions and places
    44. 寺舍塔殿部 Temple, shelter, stūpa, and hall
      1.  東土西天[]觀毀[]寺等[附之] Temples, of eastern lands and India, appended with Daoist temples, ruined temples, and so forth
      2. 殿 []附之 [Palatial] halls, appended with [extensive] pavilions and tall buildings
      3. Stūpas / Pagodas
      4.  亭室附[] Halls, appended with pavilions and rooms
      5. Residences
      6. [關附之] Doors, appended with gate
      7. Pillars
      8. 㕑 Kitchens
      9. Stairs
      10.  榭附之 Stage, appended with open gazebo
      11. 擅 Platforms
      12. Walls
      13. Latrine
    45. 貯積秤量部 Storing, weighing, and measuring
      1. Storehouse
      2. Cabinet
      3.  杓附之 Dou [scoop] measure, appended with ladle
      4. Steelyard scale
      5. 盆甕五釜附之 Bowl and jar, appended with cauldron
    46. 助道資身部 [Things that] aid the Way and benefit the body
      1. 衣服 Clothing
      2. 袈裟 [道衣俗服] Kaṣāya, [appended with] monastic garb and secular clothing
      3. 如意 Ruyi scepter
      4. 數珠 [Buddhist] rosary
      5. 剃刀 Shaving knife
      6. 淨甁 Water bottle
      7. 澡罐 香爐附之 Water basin, appended with censer
      8. 鉢盂 匙附之 Alms bowl, appended with spoon
      9. 錫杖 Monkʼs staff
      10. 鞋履 Footwear
      11. 淨巾 Hand cloth
      12. Banner
      13. Fly whisk
      14. Fan
      15. Curtain and canopy
      16. Bed (or raised platform for meditation)
      17. Pillow
      18. 座十 几附之 Seat, appended with table
      19. 氈褥 Felt mattress
      20. Straw mat
      21. 瓔珞 Necklaces and bracelets (of precious stones, flowers, etc.)
      22. 釵釧 Hairpins and bracelets (i.e., feminine jewelry?)
      23. Mirror
      24.  鑷附[] Needle, appended with tweezer
      25.  絲繭附[] Thread, appended with thread and cocoons of silk
      26. 綿 Cotton / silk floss
      27.  布附[sic.][錦附之] [Thin] silk fabric, appended with brocade
      28. 㲲 [布附之] Finely woven wool fabric, appended with cloth of coarse cotton or hemp
      29. Hemp or linen
    47. 武備安邦部 Weaponry for protecting a country
      1. Seal
      2. Staff
      3. Armor
      4. 兜鍪 Helmet
      5. 槍戟 Spear and halberd
      6. 刀劔 Knife and sword
      7. Bow
      8. Arrows
      9. Club
      10. Axe
      11. Wheel
      12. Parasol
      13. Net
      14. Rope
      15. Ladder
      16. Cart
      17. 船筏 Boat and raft
      18. Bridge
      19. Eaves
    48. 水族鱗蟲部 Fish and critters of the water
      1. Dragon
      2.  鼇黿附之 Turtle, appended with sea turtle
      3. Fish
      4. Snail
      5.  蛭附之 Clam, appended with leech
      6.  蝦蟹附 Otter, appended with shrimp and crab
      7.  蜴附之 Snake, appended with lizard
      8. 蝦蟆 Frog and toad
      9. 蟲蟻 Insects
      10. 蚤蝨 Flea and louse
    49. 金翅羽族部 [飛鳥有四千五百種] Garuḍa and the feathered clan (i.e., birds)
      1. 金翅 Garuḍa
      2. 鳳凰 Phoenix
      3. 孔雀 Peacock
      4. Crane
      5. 鸚鵡 Parrot
      6. Hawk
      7. Vulture
      8. Crow
      9. Wild goose
      10. Domesticated goose
      11. Fowl
      12. 鴿 Dove
      13. Owl
      14. 蝙蝠 Bat
      15. Bees and wasps
      16. Fly
      17. Firefly
      18. Mosquito
      19. 雜類 Miscellaneous
    50. 師子獸類部 [獸有四千五百種] Lion and other beasts [There are 4,500 types of beasts]
      1. 師子 麟附之 Lion, appended with unicorn
      2. Elephant
      3.  熊附之 Tiger, appended with bear
      4. 鹿 Deer
      5. Camel
      6. Horse
      7.  騾附之 Donkey, appended with mule
      8. Cattle
      9. Sheep
      10. Swine
      11.  狼附之 Dog, appended with wolf
      12. 獼猴 猿附 Macaque, appended with monkey
      13. Rabbit
      14. Fox
      15. 野豻 Wild dog
      16. Cat
      17. Rats and mice
      18. 雜類 Miscellaneous


    Makita Tairyō 牧田諦亮. 1979. “Giso rokujō ni tsuite義楚六帖について .”  In Makita, Tairyō, ed. Giso rokujō義楚六帖 . Kyoto:  Hōyū shoten. 1–5.

    Shiina Kōyū 椎名宏雄. 2001. “Kaidai解題 .”  In Kōyū Shiina, eds. Zengaku tenseki sōkan 禅学典籍叢刊 . Kyoto:  Rinsen shoten. vol. 6 529–37.

    Toleno, Robban Anthony John. 2015. “Skilled Eating: Knowledge of Food in Yichuʼs Shishi liutie, a Buddhist Encyclopedia from Tenth-Century China.”Ph.D. diss, Vancouver.

    Yanagida, Seizan , and Kōyū Shiina. 2001. Zengaku tenseki sōkan禅学典籍叢刊 . Kyoto: Rinsen shoten. vol. 6

    佛祖統紀 T 2035.49.454c28〕 [Robban Toleno; source(s): Kamata, Mochizuki, FGD]
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    1. The body text lists 秔 and gives as appended.[back]


    [Dictionary References]

    Chūgoku bukkyōshi jiten (Kamata) 142

    Fo Guang Dictionary 6819

    Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)2151c

    Entry created: 2017-10-20

    Updated: 2017-10-22