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色中無知 [nescience in regard to materiality]

色力 [appearance and strength]

色卽是空空卽是色 [form is exactly emptiness, emptiness is exactly form]

色受想行識 [form, feeling, perception, impulse, and consciousness]

色唯 [subtle element of color]

色報 [form retribution]

色定 [concentration of the material realm ]

色形 [form]

色心不二門 [aspect of the nonduality of matter and mind]

色心實相 [true aspect of matter and mind]

色愛 [attachment to form]

色根 [material form of the sense faculties]

色業 [to form and function]

色法種子 [seeds of material phenomena]

色無色 [having form and formless]

色無色界 [to form and formless realms]

色界十八天 [eighteen heavens of the form realm]

色界所繫 [(afflictions) bound to the form realm]

色界欲 [the desire of the form realm]

色界無色界 [form realm and formless realm]

色界生行 [birth and wandering in the form realm]

色空 [emptiness of form]

色等 [form, etc.]

色等五境 [five kinds of objects such as form and so forth]

色等境 [to form and such objects]

色等境界 [various realms such as that of form]

色等想 [perceptions of form and so forth]

色等想事 [perceives phenomena such as form (sound, odor, etc.)]

色籠 [the cage of form]

色聚 [material compounds]

色聲香味觸 [form, sound, smells, tastes, and tactile objects]

色色 [various forms]

色色業 [form and activities of from]

色蘊攝 [subsumed in the aggregate of form]

色衣 [coloring of garments]

色貌 [appearance]

色趣 [aspect of form]

色趣識住 [stage of consciousness in the aspect of form]

色邊 [limit of form]

色陰 [aggregate of form]

色非色 [form and non-form]

色香味觸 [form, odor, taste, and tangibility (tactile-ness)]


色不異空 [to form is not different from emptiness]

色像 [material body]

色光 [halo from a Buddha's body]

色光明 [physical light]

色入 [field of visible form]

色具 [material objects]

色分齊 [corporeal limitation]

色卽是空 [form is emptiness]

色味 [to taste of sex]

色塵 [form objects]

色境 [material objects]

色微 [particles of form]

色心 [form and mind]

色心不二 [to form and mind are not two]

色性 [nature of form]

色愛住地 [entrenchment of attachment to things in the form realm]

色有 [material existence]

色欲 [sexual attraction to color]

色法 [form dharmas]

色泡 [bubble of form]

色無礙 [having form but being unimpeded]

色無礙自在 [the sovereignty of being unimpeded by form]

色界 [form realm]

色界住地 [entrenchment of attachment to things in the form realm.]

色界十七天 [seventeen dhyāna heavens of the form realm]

色界四禪天 [four meditation heavens of the form realm]

色界定 [concentrations in (the realm of) form]

色界繫 [tethers in the realm of form]

色相 [mark of materiality]

色相土 [material realm]

色究竟 [(Skt. the limit of form)]

色究竟天 [heaven of the most rarefied form]

色究竟處 [the paramount existence in the realm of form]

色空外道 [non-Buddhists who deny materiality]

色聲 [form and sound]

色自在地 [stage of unimpeded form]

色蓋 [obstructive materiality]

色蘊 [aggregate of form]

色處 [field of visible form]

色衆 [aggregate of form]

色行 [connected with the realm of form]

色諦 [the truth of material existence]

色貪 [desire of the form realm]

色身 [material body]

色頂 [heaven of the most rarefied form]

色類 [kind]

色類差別 [distinctions in appearance]

色體 [essence of form]

Updated: 2012-05-06