Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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靈位 [spirit tablet]

靈利 [intelligent]

靈地 [sacred place]

靈域 [sacred place]

靈境 [sacred space]

靈山會 [Vulture Peak assembly]

靈山會上 [at the assembly on Vulture peak]

靈山會上曲 [at the assembly on Vulture peak ]

靈山殿 [Vulture Peak Hall]

靈山法會 [dharma-assembly at Vulture Peak]

靈山道隱 [Lingshan Daoyin]

靈山齋 [Vulture Peak rite]

靈廟 [stūpa]

靈摸 [a marvelous image]

靈模 [a marvelous image]

靈照 [Yeongjo]

靈牌 [spirit tablet]

靈知不昧 [numinous awareness that is not obscured]

靈覺 [numinous enlightenment]

靈辨 [Lingbian]

靈辯 [Lingbian]

靈鷲 [Gṛdhrakūṭa]

[spirit (of the dead)]

靈供 [offerings to the spirits]

靈像 [spiritual images]

靈儀 [mortuary tablet]

靈場 [miraculously efficacious site]

靈妙 [abstruse]

靈宅 [numinous abode]

靈山 [Gṛdhrakūṭa-parvata]

靈山寺 [Numinous Mountain Temple]

靈感 [spiritual response]

靈應 [spiritual response]

靈明 [spiritual luminosity]

靈瑞華 [udumbara flower]

靈界 [spiritual realm]

靈知 [inconceivable wisdom]

靈祐 [Lingyu]

靈神 [the spirit]

靈祠 [spirit-temple]

靈禽 [spiritual bird]

靈芝 [the auspicious plant]

靈裕 [Lingyu]

靈觀 [Yeonggwan]

靈隱寺 [Lingyin si]

靈驗 [spiritual efficacy]

靈骨 [relics]

靈魂 [a spirit]

靈鷲山 [Vulture Peak]

靈龕 [a coffin]

Updated: 2012-05-06