DDB and CJKV-E Monthly New Entries February 2024

Significantly Revised

唯證相應 [only realization accords with it] (Griffith Foulk)

伽藍 [Kālāma] (Dōju Layton)

New Entries: 191 (DDB Total: 77,919)

假正報 [provisional direct reward body] {Charles Jones}

眞正報 [true direct reward body] {Charles Jones}

粗見 [rough visualization] {Charles Jones}

解脫床 [seat of liberation] {Charles Jones}

通正報 [shared direct karmic rewards] {Charles Jones}

五泒 [five branches] {Dieter Schwaller}

掀翻 [to turn something over] {Dieter Schwaller}

箇中 [herein] {Dieter Schwaller}

識鎖 [chains of consciousness] {Dieter Schwaller}

飽參 [to fully understand] {Dieter Schwaller}

幻色 [illusory forms] {Randolph Whitfield}

幻質 [illusory nature] {Randolph Whitfield}

三善尋 [three kinds of wholesome thoughts] {Ronald Green}

不喜足 [insatiability] {Ronald Green}

五塵大欲 [five objects of great desires] {Ronald Green}

倶舍論頌疏 [Commentary on the Abhidharmakośa-bhāṣya] {Ronald Green}

倶舍論頌疏抄 [Kusharon jushoshō] {Ronald Green}

倶舍論記 [Jushelun ji] {Ronald Green}

出離尋 [thoughts of renunciation] {Ronald Green}

別想 [especially good mind] {Ronald Green}

勝解作意 [superior understanding by applying attention] {Ronald Green}

勝解作意相應 [superior understanding by applying mental attention to correspondences] {Ronald Green}

四種貪 [four kinds of cravings] {Ronald Green}

因果相似 [similarity between cause and effect] {Ronald Green}

因集生緣 [cause, origination, arising, and condition] {Ronald Green}

外風 [outside air] {Ronald Green}

多尋伺 [many distractive discernments] {Ronald Green}

大欲不足 [great desires and never satisfied] {Ronald Green}

大欲 [great desire] {Ronald Green}

妙觸貪 [cravings caused by subtle feelings] {Ronald Green}

形色貪 [cravings arising from shapes] {Ronald Green}

忍善根 [endurance of the wholesome roots] {Ronald Green}

持息觀 [contemplation by grasping the breaths] {Ronald Green}

智忍 [clearly observing through wisdom] {Ronald Green}

此生故彼生 [this arises because that arises] {Ronald Green}

沙門性 [śramaṇa nature ] {Ronald Green}

滅靜妙離 [cessation, stillness, perfection, and liberation] {Ronald Green}

無害尋 [thoughts of not causing harm] {Ronald Green}

無退墮 [cannot fall into retrogression] {Ronald Green}

煖善根 [warmth of the wholesome roots] {Ronald Green}

煗善根 [warmth of the wholesome roots] {Ronald Green}

行無色 [formless rank (of non-returners)] {Ronald Green}

身遠離 [to separate bodily (from harmful contacts)] {Ronald Green}

近分定 [approach meditations] {Ronald Green}

道前 [prior to the path] {Ronald Green}

道如行出 [path, correctness, achievement, and deliverance] {Ronald Green}

道後 [after the path] {Ronald Green}

阿波那 [vital air] {Ronald Green}

顯色貪 [cravings from conspicuous forms and colors] {Ronald Green}

一山了萬 [Yishan Liaowan] {Stefan Grace}

下蒼龍窟 [to enter the cave of the green dragon] {Stefan Grace}

了萬 [Liaowan] {Stefan Grace}

仁郁 [Renyu] {Stefan Grace}

令參 [Lingcan] {Stefan Grace}

以芳忌 [fourteenth day funeral service] {Stefan Grace}

僧堂念誦 [saṃgha hall chanting] {Stefan Grace}

僧密把針 [Sengmi holds a needle] {Stefan Grace}

僧寶正續傳 [Sengbao zhengxuzhuan] {Stefan Grace}

僧牀 [monk's seat] {Stefan Grace}

僧籍簿 [monk registry] {Stefan Grace}

光仁 [Guangren] {Stefan Grace}

創建開山 [temple founder] {Stefan Grace}

匝地匝天 [the whole world and all of heaven] {Stefan Grace}

匡仁 [Kuangren] {Stefan Grace}

叢席 [monastery seat] {Stefan Grace}

吒呀 [to loudly scold] {Stefan Grace}

吹嘘 [to recommend a person] {Stefan Grace}

咤呀 [to loudly scold] {Stefan Grace}

啐啄同時門 [the teaching of pecking from inside and out] {Stefan Grace}

啐啄機 [the function of pecking from inside and out] {Stefan Grace}

善淸 [Shanqing] {Stefan Grace}

喪主 [funeral master] {Stefan Grace}

喪司 [funeral officer] {Stefan Grace}

喪司知客 [funeral usher] {Stefan Grace}

喪司職事 [funeral personnel] {Stefan Grace}

喪司書記 [funeral scribe] {Stefan Grace}

喪司行者 [funeral officerʼs assistant] {Stefan Grace}

喪嚫 [funeral donation] {Stefan Grace}

囘轉鎗頭來 [to turn the direction of the spearhead] {Stefan Grace}

垂示三昧門 [training students by instructing them in samādhi meditative concentration] {Stefan Grace}

垂規 [conferred rules] {Stefan Grace}

垂誨 [to expound the teachings] {Stefan Grace}

多岐 [many forking paths] {Stefan Grace}

大潙慕喆 [Dawei Muzhe] {Stefan Grace}

宋三大師尺牘 [Sōsan daishi sekitoku] {Stefan Grace}

宗慧大師 [Zonghui dashi] {Stefan Grace}

宗玄寺 [Sōgenji] {Stefan Grace}

寸釘入木 [a long nail driven into wood] {Stefan Grace}

尊老 [honored elder] {Stefan Grace}

尊衆 [venerable monks] {Stefan Grace}

尊貴墮 [freedom from attachment to the true noble self] {Stefan Grace}

帶行 [attendant] {Stefan Grace}

帶行知事 [attendant officer] {Stefan Grace}

帶行僧行 [attendant monk] {Stefan Grace}

帶行小師 [attendant disciple] {Stefan Grace}

帶行侍者 [attendant servant] {Stefan Grace}

想憶 [to suppose and remember] {Stefan Grace}

慕喆 [Muzhe] {Stefan Grace}

打不徹 [unable to fully attain] {Stefan Grace}

打倂 [to put away] {Stefan Grace}

打得徹 [to fully attain] {Stefan Grace}

打飯金 [meal money] {Stefan Grace}

搊住 [to grasp tightly] {Stefan Grace}

操行心 [devoted to practice] {Stefan Grace}

早參法益 [to benefit with the dharma through the morning assembly] {Stefan Grace}

早參法 [morning assembly method] {Stefan Grace}

早參牌 [morning service tablet] {Stefan Grace}

早堂諷誦 [to chant sutras every morning] {Stefan Grace}

早早 [careless] {Stefan Grace}

早晨坐禪 [morning seated meditation] {Stefan Grace}

明教契嵩 [Mingjiao Qisong] {Stefan Grace}

曹山三種墮 [Caoshanʼs three types of freedom] {Stefan Grace}

曹溪鏡裏絕塵埃 [Caoxi's dust-free mirror] {Stefan Grace}

曹溪高祖 [the high patriarch of Caoxi] {Stefan Grace}

曹溪古佛 [the ancient buddha of Caoxi] {Stefan Grace}

曹源和尙三會錄 [Sōgen oshō san'eroku] {Stefan Grace}

村寺淸規 [Cunsi qinggui] {Stefan Grace}

村獦獠 [You bumpkin!] {Stefan Grace}

楚石梵琦 [Chushi Fanqi] {Stefan Grace}

楚石 [Chushi] {Stefan Grace}

水牯牛 [water buffalo] {Stefan Grace}

水看 [waterman] {Stefan Grace}

水磨 [millstone] {Stefan Grace}

水磨坊 [millstone waterwheel] {Stefan Grace}

溈山 [Isan] {Stefan Grace}

炊巾 [cooking apron] {Stefan Grace}

牙過禪板 [Ya and the meditation brace] {Stefan Grace}

物初大觀 [Wuchu Daguan] {Stefan Grace}

疎山光仁 [Shushan Guangren] {Stefan Grace}

疎山 [Shushan] {Stefan Grace}

疏山 [Shushan] {Stefan Grace}

盤結草庵 [to build a hermitage] {Stefan Grace}

相對界 [the realm of dualism] {Stefan Grace}

相續也大難 [constantly pursuing practice is very difficult] {Stefan Grace}

祖師心印 [patriarch mind seal] {Stefan Grace}

祖席 [patriarch's position] {Stefan Grace}

祖席英雄 [outstanding Chan/Seon/Zen patriarch] {Stefan Grace}

祖師會 [patriarchs service] {Stefan Grace}

祖庭指南 [Zuting zhinan] {Stefan Grace}

祖漸 [Sozen] {Stefan Grace}

竈公 [oven deity] {Stefan Grace}

竈公諷經 [to chant a sutra to the oven deity] {Stefan Grace}

箠擯 [to flog and expel] {Stefan Grace}

粗湯 [poor quality hot water] {Stefan Grace}

總分忌 [fourteenth day funeral service] {Stefan Grace}

總寧寺 [Sōneiji] {Stefan Grace}

總持寺五院 [the five structures within Sōjiji] {Stefan Grace}

總泉寺 [Sōsenji] {Stefan Grace}

總禪寺 [Sōzenji] {Stefan Grace}

總見寺 [Sōkenji] {Stefan Grace}

翠巖令參 [Cuiyan Lingcan] {Stefan Grace}

翠巖眉毛 [Cuiyan's eyebrows] {Stefan Grace}

翠微過禪版來 [Cuiwei brings the meditation brace] {Stefan Grace}

翠微禪板 [Cuiwei and the meditation brace] {Stefan Grace}

翠微無學 [Cuiwei Wuxue] {Stefan Grace}

草創開山 [temple founder] {Stefan Grace}

草堂善淸 [Caotang Shanqing] {Stefan Grace}

草料 [fodder] {Stefan Grace}

草本 [a draft] {Stefan Grace}

草疏 [to write verse for oneself] {Stefan Grace}

草索子 [rope] {Stefan Grace}

草菴歌 [Caoange] {Stefan Grace}

草裏輥 [to roll around in the weeds] {Stefan Grace}

草衣文殊 [woven-grass-robe Mañjuśrī] {Stefan Grace}

草賀 [abbreviated congratulations] {Stefan Grace}

草賊 [thief in the grass] {Stefan Grace}

草賊大敗 [the thief in the grass loses greatly] {Stefan Grace}

草鞋錢 [straw sandal money] {Stefan Grace}

蒼龍廣錄 [Sōryū kōroku] {Stefan Grace}

裝包 [wrapped load] {Stefan Grace}

裝包法 [load-wrapping method] {Stefan Grace}

覺範慧洪 [Juefan Huihong] {Stefan Grace}

贈別經 [farewell sutra chanting] {Stefan Grace}

走口走舌漢 [a fellow who follows the mouth and the tongue] {Stefan Grace}

送供 [to carry food and drink] {Stefan Grace}

送行 [to see off] {Stefan Grace}

醉中發心 [to drunkenly enter the saṃgha] {Stefan Grace}

醉人衣裏珠 [the drunk man and the jewel in the robe] {Stefan Grace}

醉婆羅門 [a drunken brahman] {Stefan Grace}

雙丸塞耳 [to block both ears with spheres] {Stefan Grace}

雙劍倚空飛 [two swords fly through the air] {Stefan Grace}

雙泉仁郁 [Shuangquan Renyu] {Stefan Grace}

默州祖漸 [Mokushū Sozen] {Stefan Grace}

鼠噛衣 [clothing gnawed by mice] {Stefan Grace}

龍牙過版 [Longya and the meditation brace] {Stefan Grace}

龍牙居遁 [Longya Judun] {Stefan Grace}

[to go against the flow] {Charles Muller}

[to flow around] {Charles Muller}

[eddy] {Charles Muller}

New CJKV-E entries: 18 (CJKV-E Total: 68,286)

依韻 [(to) match the metrical foot] (Dieter Schwaller)

偶感 [suddenly occurring thought] (Dieter Schwaller)

晶光 [glittering light] (Dieter Schwaller)

滿面春風 [beaming with pleasure] (Dieter Schwaller)

羣賢 [many wise men] (Dieter Schwaller)

脚底 [sole of the foot] (Dieter Schwaller)

腦門 [forehead] (Dieter Schwaller)

自帶 [(to) carry one's own] (Dieter Schwaller)

迷路 [(to) lose one's way] (Dieter Schwaller)

頂天立地 [able to support both heaven and earth] (Dieter Schwaller)

風花雪月 [wind, flowers, snow, and moon] (Dieter Schwaller)

高敞 [large and spacious] (Dieter Schwaller)

剖開 [(to) reveal] (Randolph Whitfield)

幻質 [illusory nature] (Randolph Whitfield)

洄洑 [swirling eddies] (Randolph Whitfield)

漩洑 [whirlpool] (Randolph Whitfield)

漩流 [whirlpool] (Randolph Whitfield)

[(to) dispatch] (Charles Muller)

Total new DDB and CJKV-E entries this month: 209